Chapter 30

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"We'll be on our way." The speaker on the phone answered.

"Please hurry Ari. Honoka is in real pain." Yamamoto disconnected the call and focused on the Honoka who was on the bed. She was tossing around as her stomach was on pain.

"Takeshi-kun. Can you and Onii-chan boil some hot water while me and Haru take care of Honoka here. Also can you include clean towels?"

"Got it." Takeshi responded.


"Hahi, do breathing exercise Honoka-chan. I heard it would ease the pain." Haru suggested as she was in a panic.

"EASIER SAID THAN DONE!" Honoka yelled.

Both Haru and Kyoko looked at each other not knowing how to ease the pain. They only wished that Dr. Viviana would arrive as soon as possible.

"The f--"

"Language please Honoka." Kyoko interrupted her.

"Kyoko, do you think I still care about that?! I want the pain to go away!" Honoka screamed.

"Please imitate me." Kyoko stated as she started to do breathing exercise with her. Honoka then follow her but sometimes grunted in pain. She would grip on the sheets as she whimper in pain.

"We got the hot water and towels." Yamamoto announced as he entered the room.

"Good, put it near the table." Haru ordered him.

All of them heard a loud bang downstairs and rushing pair of legs. They were on alert but relaxed after the familiar waves of flames.

"I've got dr. Viviana." Arisa panted as she entered the room. Dr. Viviana then went on action. She went towards the bed and started massaging Honoka's belly. She then peeked on her to check on opening. "Get the boys out of here." She ordered while the boys complied.

"You are doing good. I can see the head already. Once the contractions start again, I want you to push." Honoka nodded as she was still doing the breathing exercises.

Honoka grunted as she tried to push when her contraction came in.

Baby please be kind to mommy.

"Almost there." Dr. Viviana announce and at the same time Honoka screamed then the first baby came out and started to cry.

"Congratulations. Your eldest is a boy." Honoka smiled tiredly but her contraction went out again and she started to scream louder than before. Dr. Viviana gave the child to Haru and Arisa. They were both frantic on calming down the baby.

Dr Viviana had noticed that there is blood coming out on her. She knew it was bad if this would take long.

"Shit." Kyoko was alarmed on the cursing of the doctor. She was still holding Honoka's gripping hands.

"Is something the matter?"

"Miss Kyoko, I might need help in massaging the baby down." Dr. Viviana looked at her in a stern look.

"I'll do it." Arisa did it since she had noticed the flowing of the blood. This would endanger her best friend more.

Honoka is unable to observe her surroundings as her focus was the pain.

She could not tell how many minutes had already passed. She was already exhausted and want everything to stop.

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