Chapter 6.

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As we dug in, I remembered my diet.

Fuck my diet.

I started stuffing my face with the chicken Niall bought for me.

This is good stuff. Oh my. How long have I not eaten this? I cannot believe that I haven't ate this for the past few months!

"Wow you really eat a lot." Niall commented.

I just smiled at him and blushed. looking down, I continued eating.

"So mind telling us why you're here?" Zayn asked politely.

" Erm... Well, I met Niall and Liam at McDonald's, bought an up sized meal but got dragged out of the place to KFC. Then we bought food at KFC and here I am." I replied truthfully.

With a hint of a smile on his lips, Harry asked questioningly," Really?"

Nodding my head, I grinned at him.

*After Dinner*

"I should get going," I said, hoping someone would be nice enough to drive me home.

"What? So fast?" Louis whined, faking a sad face.

"Erm, well it's already 10. I really should go."

"Can you stay? Just for a while? We really like you here!" Louis exclaimed, which lead to the boys nodding their heads.

"Well, I guess so..." shouts were heard even before I finish my sentence. "But, I have to call my brother first." I continued.

_ _ _


"Hey Ryan. Erm... I was thinking, if I could stay at a friends house for a while. So..."

"And who are they? Your friends, I mean."

"They're just some friends. It's ok, right?"

"Fine. But don't even think of doing something stupid that you'll regret." He warned.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Don't wait for me, kay?"

"Yea. Bye."


"Well? What did he say? is it a yes?"Liam questioned me eagerly.

"yup", I replied popping the p.

They started cheering loudly which confused me.


Why do they like me so much?

"Why do you like being around me?" I blurted out before I did a proper brain-mouth filter.

Damn it. Their gonna think I'm stupid and dumb. Urgh. Why did I do that?

"What? Why wouldn't we?" Zayn asked comfortingly.

"Well, cause I'm..." I started, but I didn't know what to say.





"Well, you're what?" Harry asked, urging me to continue.

"Never mind that. I just wanna know why you like having me around," I stated carefully, dodging a bullet.

"Well," Louis said," You're funny-" "Hilarious", Liam corrected.

"Hilarious," Louis corrected himself before continuing, "Sassy- but not as sassy as me, of course-" He stopped abruptly to see the "audiences'" reaction, which was me smiling, Niall laughing, Liam trying to stifle his laughter and both Zayn and Harry nodding and laughing.

"You're also really clever and pretty too," Louis said truthfully while nodding his head as if approving his own speech.

Wait. What?

I'm pretty?

Clever, I guess.

But pretty?


Before I could say something, everyone started to nod their heads and agreed with Louis. However, I was flabbergasted.

They think I'm pretty?

"No. No, no, no. I'm not. Absolutely not pretty. At all. Clever maybe. But pretty? Really? I'm really really not." I tried to change their minds but to no avail.

"What?" the boys exclaimed upon hearing my defence.

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