Summer Lost

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I walked home from my last day of high school in the already hot and humid Michigan weather planning out my summer. I thought about the job I was going to get to pay for the car that my parents said they would get me two years ago but they never did. My eighteenth birthday was coming up in three months. I was a bit scared to be on my own. Every thing will change this summer. I had applied for a few colleges but I didn't expect to get in any. Maybe If I was lucky and as long as I had a job my parents would let me stay for a bit longer. I knew that this was going to be the last summer of my childhood and I didn't want to waste it.

"Mom? Dad?! I'm home!" I yelled throughout the house and threw my backpack onto the couch.

"Hey hun!" My mom said running down the stairs, she looked busy and was wearing one of her business suits that she worked in. Both of my parents were Realtors and they were pretty good at their jobs too, that's how they met.

"Frank, get down here AJ is home!"my mom called up the stairs. As my dad jogged down the stairs in his work blazer I looked at them funny, it looked like they were getting ready for something.

"How was your last day of school?" My dad asked with a smile but I ignored him.

"Are you guys going somewhere?" I asked.

"AJ, were really sorry bit were leaving in a few hours to go to Florida for work." My mom said. When she said she was sorry, I knew it didn't include me.

"That's fine, I'll just stay here, I'm almost eighteen anyway." I shrugged.

"No, we've decided that your going to stay at your godparents house." My father said.

"But the Wentz's live all the way in Chicago, and I haven't seen them since I was like seven." I said.

"It will be fun, they have a daughter your age, you remember Hillary, right?" My mom said. Oh did I ever remember Hillary, I remembered her always being mean to me when I was little, she would go out of her way just to be awful to me.

"Yeah, I remember her throwing sand in my face" I retorted.

"She's older now and so are you that was a long time ago. Besides Dale always asks about you when we talk." My mom said, I thought again how strange it was for a woman to be named Dale for the thousandth time in my life. "They wanted you to come visit for the longest time now. And we were thinking that after we get back we can buy you that car you wanted." My mom said now trying the bribe aproatch on me but my dad decided to go with another one.

"AJ we don't want to spend your last summer as a kid away from you. We had things planned for all of us too. But sometimes we have to do things that will benefit the family." My dad said basically telling me to suck it up buttercup. I went upstairs to pack in defeat.


As I exited the airport gate now in Chicago. I fumed at the thought if my parents spending their summer in beautiful Florida while I get stuck with a family I barely even remembered.

"Autumn Jane Wolfe! Is that you?!" I herd a woman shout my full name and I turned around to see an older woman with tanned skin and short dark greying hair, I instantly recognized Mrs.Wentz although she looked older than I remembered." She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey, Mrs Wentz." I said as I smiled and hugged her.

"Oh, call me Dale dear." She said and took a good look at me. "You look just like your mother when she was your age." Dale smiled. It was true, I had her bright green eyes and sandy blonde hair but I also had my fathers straight toothed smile and nose freckles. Dale led me out of the air port to her silver minivan parked in the parking lot. I threw my bags in the back seats and sat in the passengers seat.

"Hillary is so excited to see you again she's been talking about it all week. Your going to have your own room and everything. Hillary is having a sleep over tonight and everything so you can meet some of her friends" Dale was so excited she could hardly stay in one topic.

"Do you remember little Pete?" She asked. I remembered that Mr.Wentz and his son shared the same name but Mr.Wentz went by Peter Where as his son went by Pete but I tried to think back but didn't remember much other than he was two years older than me.

"Not really" I said.

"You two use to be the best of friends when you were little, he followed you everywhere." She smiled. "Let's hope you two are still good friends and Hillary doesn't go back to her old ways."

It took only twenty minutes to get to the little township of Wilmette from Chicago. As we pulled into the neighborhood it seemed familiar to me. We parked in front of a big white house with a fenced in back yard that I vaguely remembered. I got my things out of the back and Followed Dale inside.

"Hillary, Pete! Autumn is here!" She called from the living room through out the house. Down the stairs came a pretty wide smiling dark haired girl who grabbed me up in a hug.

"Do you remember me? I'm Hillary. I'm so glad to see you again." She said still smiling.

"Where's your brother?" Dale asked her daughter.

"Probably still-" she was cut off by him jogging down the stairs. He had the same dark hair and wide smile as his sister with the same dark brown eyes and tanned skin as his mother but his hair had a red streak in it.

"Sorry peter isn't home yet but he should be here by the time dinners done. Were leaving after that to give you girls some space for your sleep over." She said and Pete rolled his eyes and his mother caught it.

"Pete can you help Autumn with her things and show her her room?" Dale asked. He nodded and picked up my bags and I followed him up the stairs after those stairs there were another set that led up to an attic area that had a hall with two bedrooms and a small bathroom. I followed Pete to the second bedroom at the end of the hall. The walls were white just like the little hallways had been and there was a Queen sized bed, a dresser and a TV in it there were two little windows to the side of the bed that over looked the whole block.

Pete set my things down on the bed and I thanked him.

"My room is the other one up here, and across from mine is the bathroom. If you need anything just let me know" he said then left.

Maybe mom And dad were right, maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all.

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