Chapter 66

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Ivy's POV

"How could you do that to Lexi?" I ask. "To me!" I ask. "To yourself!" I yell.

"Ivy please calm down!" He freaks out. "I don't know why I did it! I love Lexi but then there's you, I don't know, when you and Gray got back together, all these emotions controlled me. I'm so sorry" he says and falls down to sit in the sand. He puts his hand on his hair and brushes it back with frustration. I sit by his side.

"Maybe you were just angry that I got back with Gray because you don't like him" I suggest. "I know what I feel Ivy, and it's definitely jealousy, but I don't know why!" He scoffs. "I can't believe I did that to Lexi, I love her!" He says, "like I really really do" he says. "I have to tell her" he says. "Tell her what, you don't even know what you're feeling, Dylan, there's no need to tell her anything that's meaningless" I say trying to calm him down.

"But what if that kiss did actually mean something, at least to me! ...then that's cheating Ivy, I don't cheat, I would never want to hurt Lexi, she's like my whole world!" He says. "I know she is, and I know you wouldn't want to hurt her." I smile. "Listen let's go back inside, pretend this never happened. I promise you, everything is okay!" I sigh

"Come on Give me a hug" I smile at him. I hug him and he hugs back then calms down a bit.


We go back inside and Lexi smiles at Dylan and he sits by her side. She cuddles up to him and he looks at me and I smiled at them.

Throughout the day, Dylan kept looking at my as if he was guilty. Well he kind of was but not really. I am 100% sure that Dylan doesn't like me, because well it's Dylan!

"Okay out of all of us here, who is most likely not to date?" Cindy says. "It has to be Nate and Ivy!" Lexi says. "Haha, Very funny!" Cindy says sarcastically. "More interesting question, who of us here who isn't already dating would be a most likely to date?" Lexi asks. "Nate and Dylan!" I say and Lexi and Cindy laugh. " I mean I don't know why you're laughing, I would totally go out with this guy, look at the abs, the jawline, the tan, the talent, and to top all of that he has a big ass, oh come here you sexy mothefucker!" Nate says and jumps on Dylan unexpectedly. You bet your ass we were all dying of laughter

"Get off me, what happened to , no homo?" Dylan yells at Nate and wipes the kiss that Nate got on Dylan's cheek. "Come on man, You can't deny the chemistry!" Nate smirks. "Bitch, the only chemistry here is between me and my boy" Lexi says and kisses Dylan passionately. "Yessir" Dylan smirks.

"If you guys actually think about it, Dylan and Ivy actually make sense" Aliah says and eats her popcorn. Dylan's smile immediately drops. "Oh my god, I seee it, Divy!" Cindy says. "No that's true, I mean Dyl, you and Ivy do make sense, both surfers, both athletic, you watch literally the same thing, you're basically the opposite sex versions of each other." Lexi says

"And you  both spend hours weekly, making songs together! It's annoying. Like seriously you have to stop that... like I'm just sitting their playing my fortnite, and all of a sudden the dudes on my squads be asking me why a man is serenading me with love songs!" Nate complains. Me and Dylan chuckle lightly then look at each other feeling guilty. I shouldn't feel guilty, I didn't do shit!

"I didn't know you two wrote love songs together?" Lexi asks Nate. "Uh.. Well , Ivy writes them and she doesn't know how to play the guitar so I have been trying to teach her, and well then she started writing music, and we began making Melody's for the songs and singing them" he says and smiles at Lexi. "I never heard you sing, or you, come on sing us a song" Lexi says.

"No no no way, I don't sing" I say. "Ain't that the truth" Nate says and then Cindy slaps him. I chuckle and roll my eyes at him. "Come on, I want to hear you two, even though I hear you loud and clear from Nate's room! But this time without him yelling, 'dumbass' or 'I shouldn't have went to tilted man" Cindy imitates Nate. "Trust me! Never land in tilted, land on Salty, Dusty or the Palms! " Nate advises and Dylan says, "wrong, never land on dusty, shits weak!" Dylan says. "Like you'd know, you're the first to die in duos!" Nate scoffs. "Oh really..." Dylan was cut off

"Okay, enough of this Fortnite shit, babe please sing to me!" Lexi says. "Lex.. I can't do this keep doing this because I chea.." I cut him off. "He cheated on you, with Nate, So sad, I'm very sorry" I say trying to save the day and they all looked at me weirdly. "You gay?" Lexi asks Dylan, "wait ...are you gay?" Cindy asks Nate. "Very and I'm extra gay because of this girl right here" Nate says and everyone looks at him weirdly. "Gay as in happy dumbasses" Nate says in an obvious tone. "Ohhhh" we all say.

"So why don't you sing me the song?" Laxu asks. "Because he has to go to the kitchen to help me with something, right? You have to help me with the thing" I say to Dylan. "What things" Dylan says, who a fucking dumbass. "The thing... the thing I was telling you about earlier on the beach, that really really hot tea that I like to make" I say frustrated and he finally gets it. "Oh that tea, yes yes... I'll be right back babe" Dylan says. "I want some tea" Lexi says, "oh me too!" Aliah says. "Sorry guys no tea, this tea is only enough for me and Nate to discuss, I mean make" I say making a face of disappoint.

"Well they're acting suspiciously weird!" I over hear Cindy say.

"What the fuck was that about?" Dylan yells in a whispering voice. "What do you mean what was that all about? You nearly fucking told the love of your life you cheated on her, are you nuts?" I sream whisper as well.  "I hate lying and I'm not good at it!" He says. "Well you're going to have to, unless you want this really really HOT tea to spill and burn you and Lexi alive!" I yell in a whispering tone. "Alright I get it, you made your point, god.. calm down" he sighs. "I'm sorry it's not everyday that you lose your virginity, get a secret boyfriend, then have your brother and best friend be mad at you, then have your best friend kiss you while he is dating your other best friend, all under 24 hours!" I say quickly without taking a breath. "Damn, this might be the best day for your love life and worst day for my love life" Dyl says.

"Let's just hope that kiss didn't mean anything to me!" He says and I nod. Hopefully!

Until next time,X

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now