Ch 2.

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I wasn't planning on having kids of my own. I had been to scared of the idea that they would look at the life me and there father created for them and want the same. It wasn't that we created a bad life. We had created a good life. A life filled to the brim with love, but that didn't mean it wasn't dangerous. I learned at a very young age that it didn't matter if you wore the leather kutte or were in love with a person who did there was a bullet with your name on it waiting somewhere. I lit my cigarette pulling my knees up to my chest as I took in my new surroundings. I wasn't the girl who dreamed of the white picket fence and the front deck with a porch swing but now that I had it all I could was Opie and I sitting together watching the sunset. We would be smiling at each other. Our hair grey and our faces wrinkled as our grandkids run around too excited to still be asleep. It was a simple life kind of fantasy. One I almost had if I had only been smarter at the time.

'If you ever decide this isn't what you want I'll walk away.' Opie states as he pulls on his Kutte. There's a strain in his voice. 'I'll give you whatever life you want Karma. You're the most important thing to me.'

'And you're the most important thing to me Ope. I know what I signed up for. I'm all in baby. You and I will handle whatever this clubs throws at us that's a promise.' I insist wrapping my arms around his torso. 'You will always be enough for me. Okay.'

'God how did I get so lucky?'

"How you holding up?" Wendy asks wrapping her arm around my shoulders as she sits beside me.

"I keep having to remind myself that the motorbike I keep hearing isn't Opie coming home. It's been years and my heart still skips a beat due to false hope at that noise." I confess shaking my head disapprovingly.

"Maybe we should have surveyed the neighbourhood making sure no one owned a bike before we moved," Wendy joked making me crack a smile.

"I have a feeling it wouldn't have made missing him any easier."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now