Ch 11

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"Why is it that the years keep going by faster the older we get?" I complained after Tara finished telling me how she got accepted to college. "It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating your tenth birthday and I was pouting because I didn't think it was fair you were older." We both chuckled as my sister ruffled my hair.

"You always wanted to grow up too fast Karma." She shook her head. "Take some time to smell the roses before you run out of opportunities to."

"You should stay." Her expression changed.

"Karma, I want to stay as much as you want to come with me." She pulled me into a hug. "We live different lives Sis. You're carefree and I'm well..."

"A tight ass!" I teased causing her to punch my shoulder playfully.

"You'll do just fine without me Karma don't you worry. And I'll visit or You'll visit. We got this sis."

"We always do." I laughed not wanting to show her that I was really feeling abandoned.

I walked into the backyard with Thomas in my hip. Wendy had already left a few hours ago with Abel. Turns out that when I was busy at work watching my year fly by to quickly Wendy was off becoming close friends with Angel. I was happy to see her happy, but that didn't mean I didn't have my fears about her getting involved in another motorcycle club.
"Mrs Winston you came!" Letty yelled across the lawn running towards me at full speed. I pulled the young girl into a tight hug.

"I wouldn't miss my favourite students graduation party! And call me Karma I'm not your teacher anymore!" I grinned. Thomas wiggles in my arms complaining that he wanted to go play so I set the toddler down to run off with the other children. "I'm proud of you Letty."

"I couldn't have done it without you," she blushed.

"Yes you could have. You need to give yourself more credit you're an extraordinary girl and you're going to do extraordinary things," I watched as her eyes glazed over but I could tell she was hoping I didn't notice so I pulled her into another hug before insisting she go be apart of her party. I scanned the room as I stood there sipping my iced tea. Wendy was in the corner with Angel giggling away and looking inthralld with everything the man was saying. The boys were playing with the kids and the rest of the party was all mixed in happy conversation. I had seen this before. The faces were different but the love it radiated was the same.

"Hi I'm Karma Knowlles, I was one of Lettys teachers I wanted you to know you have an amazing daughter," I stuck my hand out towards coco who gave me a strange look before realizing what I was doing.

"It's nice to meet you. My daughter talks very highly of you. Johnny Cruz but you can call me coco," he shook my hand a grin spreading across his face.

"Coco," I smiled to myself. "I like the way that sounds."

"I like the way you say it." My heart fluttered. "My phone hasn't rang Karma can I ask why?"

"I have a lot of baggage," I admit.

"I'm willing to help you with that." I took a step closer to him placing my hand gently on his cheek and leaning my forehead against his. He didn't try to kiss me and he didn't say a word instead he pulled me closer and just held me as I cried silently. They were no longer the painful kind of tears. They were like a rain that washes away the dirt on the road and leaves the world looking clean and smelling brand new.

"Thank you." I mumbled against his chest.

"I said I was willing to wait Karma, and I'm a man of my word."

"The worst thing about leaving is that I'm going to love him forever Karma. That stupid smirk. That awful long blonde hair."

"Then why leave?" I question.

"Because I need to know I can do it on my own. And because sometimes the best way to show you love someone truly and fully is by letting them go, because that's what's the best for both of you.

I laid awake staring at my ceiling. The light of my alarm clock felt brighter then usual as I watched it switch to 2:00 am. I needed to sleep. My body was tired but my mind was working a mile a minute. I finally grabbed my phone and dialled a number I had never dialled before.

"Is everything okay?!" Coco sounded panicked.

"Yes. I'm sorry to wake you," I yawned. "But you said you were waiting for my call so here it is."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now