Ch 9

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When I finally made it home only one light was on in the house. I found Wendy at the kitchen table book in hand and two cups of tea sitting in front of her. She motioned for me to join her as he closed the book and crossed her arms.
"Is there something we should talk about?" The other women questioned pushing the tea cup towards me. "Abel keeps going on about how he got to sit on a motorbike. I haven't seen that boy this happy in years." She reached fur my hand but I pulled it away feeling ashamed of myself.

"He can't be anywhere near that life again," I mumbled.

"He can't or you can't Karma?" Wendy questioned her voice soft and eyes filled with kindness. "Opie would want you to move on."

I sat in the dinner booth clicking my nails on the table as my patients began to grow thin. My sister had promised to be here an hour ago. We were supposed to spend the night together, but then she invited Jaxon who then invited his friend Harry and it turned into a whole thing I no longer wanted to be apart of. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy having Harry around, but I had been trying to shake those feelings out of my head. A guy like him and a girl like me that was a stupid idea. There's no way he liked spending time with me I was the annoying little tag along. I stared down at my watch again, they had ten more minutes or I was leaving. Screw them just because I was younger didn't mean I should wait around for them all the time. The chime of the door made my head fly to the side as Harry ran towards me out of breath.

"I'm so sorry Karma!" He breathed out his eyebrows furrowing as he realized we were the only two in the booth. "Where the fuck are the two love birds?"

"We've been stood up," I sighed. "So you can go if you want I don't want you to feel obligated to hang out with me." I began to pack my things up but I felt his rough hand wrap around my wrist gently pulling me back to my seat.

"I'm okay if it's just us." He smiled making my face turn red. "I've wanted it to just be us for a while now." I couldn't find my voice to reply that I had to so I just smiled at the older boy.

"No he wouldn't!" I shot back tears once again streaming down my face.

"You silly silly girl. That man loved you so damn much you're scared you'll never have it again. But here's a bit of truth. We do get more then one love if we are lucky. It won't be the same as the first but it will be good in its own way." She stood up and walked over to me pulling me into a tight hug. "Let the wall down darling. I miss you. The boys miss you. And I know you miss yourself."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now