Ch 4.

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I was determined to give Letty's father a piece of my mind. After three missed appointments I had had enough. If he wasn't going to come see me I was going to him. I pulled my car into the junk yard parking on the opposite side of the row of motorbikes. My converse crunched over the gravel as I made my way towards what looked like an office. I could feel eyes on me as I looked around for Lettys father.
"Mrs Winston! What are you doing here??" Letty ran up to me.

"I got tired of being stood up, I'm here to see your dad," I told her walking past her towards the group of men currently staring at me. "Which one is he?"

"So funny story ...I didn't actually tell him he needed to have a meeting with you," the girl confessed making me stop in my tracks. She chewed on her bottom lip avoiding my gaze as she shifted awkwardly on your feet. "I realize that wasn't right, but you're being ridiculous I've only missed a few classes," she huffed.

"They are threatening to expel you!" I shot back. "The only reason they haven't is because I'm looking out for you." I ran my hand through my hair before shaking my head at the girl. "Which one is he?" Slouching her shoulders Letty lead me towards the man leaning against the building. He had a smoke in between his lips when I walked up to him putting out my hand for him to shake.

"Mrs Winston this is my dad," she pointed to the man who cocked his eyebrow at her. "Dad, this is one of my teachers she wants to talk to you."

"Sure just give me a minute beautiful I need to talk with my kid," he gently pulled her to the side. I watched he's on as the whispered at each other. He strutted back towards me giving me a warm smile. "So Letty just informed me of the situation. I'll make sure she stops skipping. We good here?"

"Mr Cruz I don't think you understand how serious this is," I argued.

"She's a teenager. Teenagers skip school are you telling me a pretty little thing like you never skipped school?" He chuckled.

"Yo angel stop flirting we have to go!" Another man called out as he hopped onto his bike.

"Angel? I thought Letty said your name was Johnny? What the hell is going on?!"

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now