Ch 15

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"I feel stupid asking, but what are we?" I was unable to bite my tongue as I watched Coco get ready for work. When he pulled his Kutte on my heart stopped. Would I ever get used to this. Get used to the fact that my life was repeating itself and I was sitting back and letting it. "Forget I asked it was stupid." I jumped off the bed pulling on my clothes. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I missed the days where I didn't cry. The days where I was able to hold back my emotions instead of having them flood out so easily. I didn't like weakness and hear I was completely weak. It was no ones fault but my own.

"It's not stupid to ask something like that," coco stopped me. "I'm hoping we are together. I'm hoping you're willing to be my old lady but I get if you aren't ready for that title yet. If I were in your shoes," I cut him off with a kiss. I wasn't sure I was completely ready, but I'm all honesty I wasn't sure if I ever would be so why waste more time being scared.

"I love you." Those three little words made the whole house fall silent.

"What?" Coco stammered his hand finding its way into my hair. "You love me?"

"Yeah." I nodded kissing him harder. "I want to be your old lady."

"Fuck I love you to Karma."

"He told me he loved me for the first time yesterday," I spun a loose strand of hair around my finger as I spoke into the phone. "I said it back didn't even hesitate."

"Don't you think maybe you're getting a little ahead of yourself?" Tara asked she sounded like she was so far away. As if her mind was in another place and I thought maybe it was because she had been away from Jax for so long, but I knew better then to ask her that.

"Sometimes you just have to say it because it feels right." I argued.

"I don't want to see you get hurt Karma don't use that tone with me!"

"Sometimes you have to take risks Tara I thought you of all people would get that." I hung up the phone. How could she not be happy for me. She was my sister for fuck sakes.

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now