Ch 7

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"You don't get to threaten me with ultimatums then drown your sorrows in whores!" I screamed throwing a beer bottle across the room. The chatter that had filled the clubhouse had now disappeared as I marched towards Opie and the crow eater who was shamelessly grinding on him as he talked with his brothers. "You're a coward Harry a fucking coward!" He shoved the crow eater off of him and walked towards me the chatter slowly starting up again as he pulled me into the hallway.

"You have no right to talk to me like that in front of my brothers!" Opie hissed. My hand connected with his cheek and I watched as all his anger bubbled to the surface before he broke down crying. "Don't leave me." He mumbled cupping my face in his hands. "I'll be better. I'll do better."

"This club is destroying you Opie. It's destroying Jax. It's destroying my sister. I feel like I'm the only one holding everyone together and I can't do that anymore, do you understand. You're going to push to hard one time that I don't have the strength to fight."

"Karma I'm going back in promise you'll be here for me when I get out."

"Opie Winston I'll wait my whole life for you if I have to. Stop thinking I won't."

"I told my dad to meet you here shortly. I know it's your spare period. My actual dad not the guy I tried to fool you with the other day." Letty stated as she went to leave for her next class. "I'm sorry I lied I just didn't want to let him down."

"Tell him not to come." I replied absently. I began to play with my wedding band. I hadn't worn it in months because every time I did it felt heavy and like I was lying to myself. Today I needed the lie. "I've had to many run in with bikers this last week I need a break." The girl stared at me with confusion before taking a seat on the desk across from me.

"Mrs Winston I know I shouldn't be asking but what's the tattoo on your arm mean?" The girl asks pointing at the crow. I nibble on the inside of my cheek weighing the pros and cons of telling the girl who was apart of a life I used to know.

"Sometimes the past is supposed to be left in the past Letty." I spoke softly. "Maybe when you graduate, I'll tell you." I shooed her out of the room and sunk into my desk chair. I grabbed my wedding photo off my desk and through it across the room the sound of glass shattering echoed through my ears as sobs ripped through my body. It was the anniversary of Opies death and it still felt so fresh. How could he leave me like this! Why did he leave me like this I needed him. I still need him.

"Karma?" A familiar voice cooed as they began to brush through my hair. "Hey it's okay. Who can I call? Karma it's coco talk to me."

"Dad what the hell did you say to her??" Letty demanded as the pair helped me off the floor.

"Wait you're letty's father you got to be fucking kidding me."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now