Ch 5

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"Come over here and wipe those tears darling, tell ol' piney what's got you all worked up." The older man patted the seat beside him a soft welcoming smile painted on his lips. He pulled me close to him letting a few more sobs escape me before he spoke again. "This won't always be this hard you and I both know that. I know things are a complete mess right now but he's going to come home to you okay darling. He's always going to come home to you."

"You promise?" I blubbered.

"Of course I do. Now wipe those pretty eyes and have a beer with me." We drank in silence for a while before the alcohol began to go to our heads.

"Piney why does it feel like this life chose me instead of me being the one to choose it?"

"Because it did Karma. This life. This family. It chose us, because it knew this is where we would feel at home. We were destined for a life filled with leather and motorbikes no point in denying ourselves that."

I walked through the streets of Santa Padro with Thomas on my hip and Abel holding onto my hand. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful Saturday as the three of us explored our new home. Abel has insisted we buy flowers for Wendy and surprise her at work. I wasn't about to argue with such a sweet idea so we made our way to the nearest florist.
"These ones!" Abel exclaimed pointing to a bunch of bright pink daisies. "Can we get mommy these ones?!"

"Of course we can." I handed some money to the lady working the counter and went back outside. The roar of motorbikes caught all of our attention as Abel began to run towards it. The little boy stop in front of the group of bikers beaming up at them. "Abel Teller you can not just run off like that!" I scolded when we made it across the street to him.

"I just wanted to look," he pouted. I gave him a stern look before turning to the Mayan who was laughing at the exchange.

"He can sit on my bike if he wants. I don't mind," he gave me a lopsided smile. "Only with your permission of course."

"Only a minute okay." I looked at Abel. "We need to take these flowers to your mom." The little boy nodded happily as the biker perched him on the bike making sure he was secure before letting go and putting a helmet on his head.

"Look at me auntie. I'm just like daddy and uncle." My heart sank as the Mayan gave me a strange look. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. 'We were destined for a life filled with leather and motorbikes no point in denying ourselves that.'

"Abel we need to leave. Thank the nice man and come on," I instructed my voice shaking.

"Did I do something to upset you?" The Mayan asked gently grabbing my arm. My sleeve got pushed up revealing the crow tattoo I was trying to hide from him his eyes grew wide as he stared at the ink. I pulled my arm away from him quickly rushing the boys away. "Wait I didn't even get your name!" Was all I could hear him call after us.

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now