Ch 17

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"I've been an old lady since I was fifteen Johnny. That's a long time to be attached to someone. I think somewhere along the way I lost a part of myself because of that. Of course I wouldn't go back and change a thing but I can change things now," for the first time in a long tine my voice didn't shake when I was speaking. My hands weren't coated in a thin layer of sweat and I wasn't bouncing my knee as quickly as possible due to anxiety rippling through my body. I was calm. Coco took the news of me being pregnant with dignity. Instantly he declared that he would be there for this baby no matter what and the minute he said the words no matter what I realized I had attached myself to another man because that had been my identity. Girlfriend of a motorcycle club member had been my identity since junior year of high school. Maybe that's why Opie wanted me to change my name back if something happened to him so I could realize I was my own person. I was Karma Knowles a head stronge brunette who didn't listen when people told her what to do. A mother figure to her two nephews who were growing up to fast. A best friend to a women who had seen just as much as she had. A widow to a man who gave her the world and now the ex girlfriend to a man who taught her it's okay to rebuild. It's okay to take time. It's okay to not be okay.

"I'm going to be honest Karma letting you go is going to tear me up a bit," Coco spoke. "But I think I get it so I'm going to support you. I've never been the guy to beg someone to stay, but this parenting thing we are going to be a team okay. I'm going to be your friend and we are going to rock this co parent thing." He kissed my cheek.

"I meant it when I said I loved you. You know that right."

"Amor of course I know that. And hey if it's meant to be one day it'll happen."

"That's bullshit," I chuckled wiping the tears off my cheek.

"Normally I would agree, but for us I think there's an exception."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now