Ch 16

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I had the unopened test waiting in my purse. It made it feel as if the tiny bag weighed close to a hundred pounds. Opie and I were on the same page about this. No kids. It's safer that way, but now I was over a month late and the plan we had gone over so many times before might be changing.
"Karma are you ready to go? Gemma hates when we're late I don't need her barking at me again." Opie laughed walking into the bedroom to find me half dressed my hands resting on my stomach as if I would feel something move inside of me. "Karma? Baby? What's going on?" I looked at him with bloodshot eyes trying to find the words to say that we might be having a baby, but I couldn't manage to get anything other then a strange gurgle out. I reached into my purse and handed my husband the pregnancy test watching as he connected the dots. After a few minutes I was sitting in the bathroom watching the little timer tick down three minutes.

"What do we do if we're actually pregnant?" I mumble. This is the longest three minutes of my life. "We didn't want this Ope. We had a plan."

"Plans change. It's okay Karma." He pulled me into a tight hug. "If it happens to be positive then guess what then we figure it out. You would be a great mom Karma. Come on let's look together."

"It's negative." I watched as disappointment coated my husbands face maybe he was hoping for a different result but this was the one I wanted the one I needed right now. Maybe one day when we were older with our lives figured out, but not now. Not when I'm barley even 24."

"I didn't even know you guys were having sex yet!" Wendy commented as she watched me pace the tiny bathroom.

"It's only been a few times," I admired feeling my face flush as I thought of coco and I tangled in the bed sheets. It had been a few months since I became his old lady and a few weeks since I started work back up. Things were going good, but clearly to good and this was the shoe drop my mind kept whispering was coming. "Wendy I can't look can you." I watched as my best friend walked over to the pregnancy test and flipped it over.

"I'm shocked you and Opie never had a kid." Wendy commented.

"Wasn't in our plan." A part of me regretted that now.

"Well is it in your plan with CoCo because it's positive darling. I think you two have a lot to talk about."

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now