Ch 6

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I sipped my whisky slowly. The dark liquid burning my lips every time it touched them. I thought maybe this would make me feel something instead of the numbness I had been plagued with since running into that Mayan. His face hadn't left my mind all day. Wendy called a sitter and drug me to the nearest bar she could find convinced all my trouble could be washed away with liquor. I wanted her to be right. I was desperate for her to be right.
"If you had the chance to go back and not marry Jax would you?" I questioned throwing back the tequila shots some random man sent over. Wendy pushes her towards me and I through it back faster then the first.

"No. As fucked up as we were I think it was a good lesson for me." She admitted placing her hand on top of mine. "There's no point in wondering what if Karma. What if doesn't change what's already happened." I nodded my head slowly excusing myself for some air. I leaned against the brick building inhaling my cigarette quickly so I could return to my drink. Maybe Santa Padro wasn't meant to be my home.

"What's a pretty thing like you hanging outside a dive like this all alone?" A voice hissed. I felt a hand creep across the lower part of my bank. The mans fingers danced across me until the found a home on my ass and aggressively pulled me into him. "A women of your caliber should not be in a place like this."

"I advise that you let go of me by the count of three or I'll shoot you in the foot." I spoke calmly making sure my smile was kind but the man didn't budge instead he pulled me closer his calloused hand tightening around my wrist. "One."

"Feisty aren't you." He purred.

"Two." I felt him being jerked away as a man in leather through him to the ground punching him a few times before he ran away. I had my gun pulled out and was pointing it towards the scene as I tried to steady my breathing.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay he's gone." It was the man Letty tried to tell me was her father standing in front of me his hands carefully pushing down the gun. A warm smile pulled onto his lips as he stood with me. "I'm Angel we met the other day. Sorry for trying to fool you."

"Karma." I replied back.

"How was any of this karma sweetheart?" He chuckled watching as I tucked the gun back into my purse. I turned to him before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"My names Karma and I really hate being called sweetheart. Thanks for your help can I buy you a drink?"

"I'm sure you had it under control but I hate men like that. And sure let me just go grab the guy I'm with I'll find you in there." He kissed the top of my hand following me into the bar before disappearing again. I sat down with Wendy and explained what she had missed. Instant worry washed over my friends face before I told her about the Mayan coming to my rescue. Her eyes lit up as she joked about him being my night in worn leather but I quickly swatted that idea away. I was in no position to even think about dating another mc member. Really I was just in no position to date.

"Hi ladies! This is my friend CoCo." Angel introduces the man staring at me. He was the one from earlier today my heart stopped as our eyes met his face a mix of shock and excitement as he sat down beside me.

"I'm Wendy and this is Karma," Wendy spoke before turning her full attention to Angel.

"About earlier..."

"It's not my place to ask," he interrupted. "But if you ever want to tell I'm willing to listen. Or that little boy of yours can play with the bike."

"What's that smile for?" Opie asked as he positioned Abel in front of him on his bike.

"I just like what I see," I reply scooping the four month up when he starts to fuss.

"We can talk about kids again Karma. If you've changed your mind." Opie walks over to me cooing at Abel. I feel my heart break. He would be a good father I know he would.

"Maybe one day, but not today Ope."

"I don't know if that'll happen but thanks for the offer."

"That's okay. It won't expire." Coco smiled turning back into the conversation with Wendy and Angel. This all felt to familiar. To comfortable and it terrified me.

Moment of weakness - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now