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I once had a lot of friends. Back in middle school, when I just started out in track and beat every record they had.  Many people talked to me and asked me how I was. It was easy to hide the pain and scars when you had someone to talk to every second and forget about the night before.

Then came freshman year. When my secret was almost spread.

I was happy going to homecoming with Cole. We had promised each other to always to any party together so that we could have each other's backs. But if ever one of us liked someone, we'd help the other out too.

This was one of those moments. I was planning to go with Cole but his crush at that time supposedly had a crush on him too and wanted him to do something about it. So she talked to me.

I was walking home from school, released early from practice when Jennifer caught up and walked in time with me.

"Mina, I was wondering. Do you think Cole would ask me out to homecoming?" She asked sweetly.

I stopped walking and she almost bumped into me. "What?"

"You heard me. Homecoming." She said, crossing her arms. She waited for my reply.

"It's just homecoming." I drawled out. I didn't even want to go but Cole convinced me to.

She rolled her eyes. "I want to make a good impression. It's not every year that the freshmen are included in homecoming. I want to be there with the boy I want."

I bit back my tongue, not wanting to lash out how pathetic and desperate she sounded.

"Okay. " I replied.

Her eyes brightened. "So you'll help me?"

I roll my eyes. "Just ask him."

She pouted as I slowly walked away. The night before was one of those nights I thought I could hide and get away from Ron but then found out I was wrong.

"Oh my goodness." She gasped and I turned to look at her. "You're not a virgin anymore are you?"

My eyes widened and stared at her in shock. "W-what are you talking about?"

She shakes her head and starts laughing. "You're walking like you have pain in your private but you don't have your menstruation yet so it must be something else. Also," She smirked. "One of my friends heard you crying in the restroom about your dad and pain. She didn't get it but now I do."

I stayed frozen, fear coursing through my veins.

"Now, if you don't want your secret running through the school, you find a way for Cole to ask me out." She said, her eyes fierce. She knew that she won this.

I nodded and worked it all out. I didn't even go that evening, calling sick. Cole questioned me but I couldn't bring myself to answer. He couldn't know what truly went on in my house. He'd never look at me the same.

I found out through the girls on the track team that Jennifer had told some people about me. I kept my distance since then. Thankfully, it didn't spread. The track girls kept it a secret til now to Jennifer's disappointment.

Now it's senior year and we have two major events that people are looking forward to.

The Autumn Ball and Prom. The student government has members all over the school putting up decorations and handing out flyers.

"It's still August." I say to Hailey. She's a member of track and another quiet soul. I guess you can say we kind of bonded when she joined the team last year. I may have a good reputation on the team but I stay away from the spotlight, content with being another simple member.

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