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In the weeks after the incident, mom and I moved to the Ramsey's. Well I also have my treehouse.

We checked mom into the hospital for a few days since her ribs and back needed observation and monitoring. Afterwards, mom slowly moved her things to our guest room in their house and Jill willingly helped her set up. It's only a temporary plan but mom really needs a break and healing.

Did anything change? Not much. Ron stayed at home, probably enjoying himself more that he had the place to himself.

He knew where we were. We told him. We're still a family. More by blood than love.

It's already the end of September. Everyone's more concerned about the Autumn Ball now. We're required to go to this ball since we all have to contribute. Whether it be decorations, the program or food, everyone has to play a part.

Jennifer surprisingly stayed quiet in the past month, the rumors slowly dying down. My reputation however, has been tainted forever.

Since Cole texted her, Annika decided to make a new tradition.

Every Friday, after practice, we'd all meet at the diner. Homework and projects are done there and we eat dinner together. Seniors mostly, but sometimes we invite the whole team.

I've gotten closer to the girls and am no longer afraid of sharing what's happening in my life to Annika, Hailey, Cherry, and the others.

I've also been attending church services on Sundays. Charity's been helping me out. I feel much better knowing that I'm actually not alone and that I can be free. I haven't fully forgiven my family but I'm trying to work on it. It's just so hard.

Today is Sunday and we're out in the backyard after church. The men are at the grill while we sit on the picnic blankets.

I keep an eye on our house, on the figure watching us from a second floor window.

After a few seconds, he turns around and the house seems empty once again.

Mom and I have to go inside sometimes, and he's surprisingly stayed clear of us. We told him that we wouldn't report him if he promised to change. It was a long shot but so far, nothing's happened.

"Mina, could you help me get the fresh juice?" Charity asks, standing. I nod and follow her into their house.

We carry the two pitchers onto the lawn just as the guys finish with the ribs.

Jill places her mashed potato and fries on the wooden platform and we place the pitchers beside them.

"Alright. Let's say grace. Carson?" Jill asks.

Carson nods and we bow down our heads. "God, we thank You for this beautiful day. Thank You for this wonderful friendship we have and all the blessings You've given to us. Help us to always look to You first and remember that You are always good no matter what. Thank you for the food set before us and bless the hands that prepared this. In Jesus' name we pray-"

"Amen." We all say together.

We eat and laugh, talk and eat the afternoon away. In the evening. the older adults have their usual talks while the four of us watch a movie.

We watch A Walk to Remember and Charity and I get emotional. The boys tease us but we don't mind.

"Honestly though," Cole says after the movie. "I'd be super sad if my loved one died or got admitted to the hospital or whatever."

"Who's your loved one?" Carson asks with a tease, pushing him forward.

He falls in front of me and looks up. His eyes meet mine before he says, "No one. Just saying, if ever that time comes. I pray she'll never get in that situation though..."

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