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Dad's been good. Ever since I was in the hospital, everyone says they've been talking more and more. The surprise at the frozen lake got him extra points. But he's still got a long way to go.

Today's Christmas Eve. We're huddled in a cabin, gifts in hand as we wait for midnight.

Once the clock strikes 12, we shout Merry Christmas and exchange gifts.

Since my music boxes and jewelry were already given, all I have left to give are handmade cards.

We smile and hug each other, except for dad.

He stands off at the corner, contented with watching us. He knows he's still on a filtered ground and can't just join in. Besides, he's kind of afraid of me and mom. 

I look at the gifts in my arms, marveling at how extravagant they look.

I look up and see him standing before me. I must look so surprised because he chuckles.

"I've been a bad dad and missed all your birthdays and Christmases. Merry Christmas." Dad says, handing me a small box wrapped in bright red paper.

The wrapping papers suddenly mix, the colors circling before my eyes. Red, blue, green, silver... Colorful dots cloud my vision until they're all merged into black.

I can't see.

I try to blink a couple times but I still can't see.

I try to grasp at anything, my breathing quickened.

I feel pain erupt into my hips, rib cage, legs, and head. The throbbing is horrible.

I feel a sturdy hand clutching mine as I find my bearing.

No, Mina. No sleeping on them. Not on Christmas. I tell myself, gritting my teeth. I try to fight the feeling overwhelming me, but eventually I give up. I'm back as the victim to the unending darkness.

I thought this had ended. I thought I was cleared of these.

As I fell unto the road, I looked up and saw a face. It was so clear. I don't know how I could've known it was her. I was nearly dying, my vision blurred, my mind slipping away.

Her face was etched into my mind as they rushed me to the hospital. It's like I was watching what had happened through another person's eyes.

My body was limp, out of breath, out of strength. Everyone was in shock, worried, terribly worried.

And then the scene changes. I'm in a car.

She sits beside me, blond hair blowing,  a successful smile on her face. "I did it." She says.

She looks to the side and looks past me. I gasp as the wig falls off and her eyes turn to their natural color.

No. She couldn't have possibly risked it all for revenge...

I wake up for real, panting.

I'm alone in the room and I hear laughter from downstairs. I breath a sigh of relief.

I haven't stopped them from enjoying.
It seems like every time something happens to me, everyone else is so affected, they worry and stop enjoying.

I lay back down and take a deep breath. If I can't fall asleep, I have to get out in the cold.

Her face is so clear, so perfect. And I have a feeling the others know she did it.

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