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Two men wait in the shadows. They wait for the two to cross over and get into the other building. 

They're counting on it.

Once the woman and young man come into view, they follow quietly.

Charity and I hurry through the very quiet hallways until we finally reach the stairs going up to Carson's suite level.

We run up the stairs, not caring if we're out breath.

We reach Carson's room and Charity knocks rapidly.

We find a sleepy Carson and push ourselves into the room, closing the door behind us.

"What's going on?" Carson asks.

Charity and I share a confused look. "You don't know?"

Carson rubs his eyes and shakes his head. "What's happening?"

Charity sighs as she takes a chair. She whispers softly. "Jennifer called. The plan's in motion. But her dad wasn't at the place and she thinks he's looking for Mina. Which means he'll come here."

Carson's wide awake now.

I look around his place. It's really nice and simple. "Where's Mina?"

The door bangs open. "I've been asking the same thing."

We stare at the man in the doorway. I've never seen him up close. He's always just been in a picture to us. His eyes are calculating and a gun is held gently in one hand.

"Why is she so important to you?" Charity asks, standing up.

The weariness is hidden behind her angered face.

He rolls his eyes. "Her dad betrayed us. She could spill it all. I need them both to clean up this mess."

"Mess?" Charity nearly yells. "You created this mess. You should pay for all you've done."

The gun is pointed at her.

I breath deeply.

"Tell me where she is." He commands, looking at Carson with a raised eyebrow.

Carson's jaw is clenched and he debates.

"Fine. Do it the hard way." He says.

I jump in front of Charity just in time.

The blood gathers quickly, dying my shirt. Charity screams and Carson holds her.

They can't attack him or his guy. They have guns.

"We'll find them." He grumbles. He nods his head in one direction, his looney searching Carson's room.

I try to stay awake, but find my eyelids closing.

Charity's gasping and crying as she looks at me. Carson's trying to stay strong but I see the fear in his eyes.

"I'll be okay." I whisper, holding a hand to my stomach. "I'm just going to rest first."

"Cole. Cole please stay with us. Stay awake." Charity cries.

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