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Mom's back when Cole drops me off. We decided to tell my mom soon, depending on how her mood is.

And this is one of those days when I take the front door.

"Hi, honey. How's school?" She asks, giving me an awkward hug. She scrunches her nose. "Um, go and take a shower first."

I smile sheepishly and head upstairs. I hurry and change into pajamas.

Mom knocks on the door to the attic and I open it with a smile.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around lately." She says softly.

"O-oh, it's fine mom. I know you're busy and-" She doesn't let me finish.

"No. Jill talked to me. We had a good woman, life talk today. I need to be a better mother." She says, stepping in and looking around my room. "When you moved up here I just thought it would be good to give you what you wanted. To quench that rebellious desire. And I'll admit, your old room was way smaller than this. Little did I know you were going through a lot and needed a break. Most of those problems coming from me being absent."

She looks back at me and I raise an eyebrow. Jill doesn't know about my secret yet so mom musn't either. But what does she think I need?

"Do you want to go on vacation?" She asks, getting my attention.

I blink a few times. "What?"

"Thanksgiving break. Jill and I planned a road trip." She says with a smile.

I stare at her and a smile comes on my face. "I'd love to."

She claps her hands together and gives me a hug. A better one. "Alright. I'll go finish up dinner and maybe we can eat?  I know you ate at work but-"

"Mom. It's fine." I say, trying to encourage her. I give her a reassuring smile.

She smiles and nods, like she didn't expect this to go so well.

She walks back downstairs to where Ron's calling her for dinner.

I sigh. How am I going to tell her? She seems happier now. I wonder what Jill must have told her. I also must've been more welcoming than she expected.

I stare at myself through the mirror. I wish things were back to normal. To the days where I could tell my mom anything and everything and not be worried about hurting her or putting more on her shoulders.

My phone buzzes and I look over to where it sits on a stool.

Mina, Jennifer asked us about you. We told her we haven't talked to you after practice. She's up to something.

I reread Annika's text.

Probably just about Cole. I reply.

I decide to tell him what happened.

Cole, our moms had a talk and we're going on a road trip!

He replies a few seconds later.

I know! She told me the same thing. You know, your mom's really tired and stressed out, Mina. She needs you just as much as you need her. She's trying...

It takes a few seconds for his text to digest. If she's struggling so hard, why can't she just let him go and just live with me? We'd both be better off. If she only knew how horrible he is, she'd have the sense to let him go.

Yeah. I know. I reply. Goodnight.

I put my phone on top of my dresser and ignore the buzzing. After a quiet and somewhat awkward dinner, I fix myself into a comfortable position on the bed and close my eyes.

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