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It's May and today's Mother's Day. I worked things out and we found a small country cottage down South to stay in for the summer.

I found ways to make sure we had two horses. Mina's uncle and aunt helped with that.

Mom was a champion rider. She was a good racer but if you ask her, she'll always say, "It's the horse. The rider just sits and enjoys the ride."

She doesn't know we have horses.

I finish packing summer clothes. We decided that every summer, we'd go to the summer cottage for a break. I badly need one.

"Are you done, Jennifer? We need to go!" Mom calls out from downstairs.

I drag my bags down the stairs and add them to the van.

After the ceremony today, we drive straight to the cottage.

Mom's in a beautiful black and gold dress, her hair is up and her smile is light. She's trying to be strong for me.

I'm wearing a baby pink dress as Mina asked. Somehow like a bridesmaid.

Who would've thought Mina and I would become friends? The whole school was shocked at the turn of events. The school paper even wants a short story out of what happened to us. With different names and a more exaggerated plot of course.

I drive to Mina's and wonder how they distracted Clarissa.

Mom hurries in to help Charity in the kitchen and I look around for Mina.

She's in the backyard, looking at all the decorations. Soft yellow lights strung, white and baby pink banners, pink and white cushions as chairs and a table for snacks and food.

Seems like we'll be having a picnic wedding.

"Everything looks amazing. Simple but pure." I say, realizing the beauty of that statement. Cole's family sure defines that. And Annika's. They're simple and pure.

She looks at me in surprise but then relaxes. "Who would've thought my parents would be recommitting to each other?"

I nod along with her. "Definitely not something you would've thought of last year."

We share a smile.

"How's your mom?" She asks quietly.

"Strong." I reply. "Really strong."

Charity and mom walk out with pies in hand and they place them on the snacks and dessert table.

"How are you girls?" Charity asks with a smile. "I'm really glad you're both friends."

"Me too." I answer before Mina can say anything.

"We're good too. Mom and I are heading to the cottage after this." I say, looking at mom who's walking through the backyard, lost in a trance.

They look too.

"It's a good thing you got that surprise. I hope she loves it. She needs it." Charity says.

Mina's phone rings and she answers it. An excited look appears on her face. "They're coming!"

She hurries into their house and I'm left standing with Charity.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"Let's go make sure all the guests are okay. Then we'll line up at the door. Like guards except we look more like bridesmaids." Charity says with a small laugh.

We make sure the family members of both sides are okay and the good friends.

The girls and I form two lines outside the back door. Ron will walk in first, them Clarissa. Except the latter doesn't know.

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