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"She really risked it all for you." Jennifer's mom says as I get into the car.

She drives off, her mind running. "You are a good girl. I always told her that. Now she's finally taking action."

She sighs. "I'm sorry my family put you through so much."

She catches my gaze in the mirror and I look away. "If you mean my dad, those were his choices. I'm still learning to get over it. The scars are still there though."

"Mm. I can't imagine. The heartbreak." She says softly.

"Yours must be worse." I reply, staring at the green that fades as we enter the hospital parking lot.

She smiles sadly. "That's mine to carry."

She opens the door for me and I wonder why Jennifer chose to be like her dad when her mom is the exact opposite.

"Let's go find your parents and friends." She says, offering me an arm.

I take it and slightly lean on her. My head's starting to hurt and my wrists still feel like they'll come off any second.

We enter the hospital and memories flood my mind again. I stagger but Jennifer's mom holds me.

She does all the talking and I just follow.

We enter a suite where-

"Dad?" I whisper. He's lying on the couch, looking beaten up but alive.

On the hospital bed is Cole.

I walk away from Jennifer's mom who sits beside my mom and Jill.

I walk towards dad first, afraid of what I'll see in Cole.

I stare at dad who's asleep. "What happened?"

No one answers me yet. I look at Cole and my heart aches at the sight of his pale skin and wrapped midsection.

"Your dad got beat up. He's okay though. Just sore." Mom says from where she sits.

Her eyes watch me and thankfully, she knows not to come near me or touch me. I'm about to run away or punch something.

"He got shot." Carson adds. His arms crossed as he leans against the doorframe. Charity and Diane are with him.

"How? When?" I ask quietly, sliding a hand under Cole's. I give it a little squeeze but it feels so limp.

"Just before he started the search. Before you had to hide." Diane answers. "I didn't tell you because-"

"I know. I get it." I reply quickly. I squeeze his hand again, looking at the monitor. He's alive. I breath out a sigh of relief.

"Did everything go as planned?" Charity asks, sitting down.

"Yes. My daughter is with them at the station, She'll testify for everything." Jennifer's mom answers. "I think Mina can too, if she wants."

I debate on it but stay quiet. Would it be worth it? Testifying against the man who started all this?

I rub Cole's hand and bring it to my lips.

"Please wake up-" I smile as a sudden thought comes into my mind. "Please, hon."

I fall asleep at his side, everyone taking turns to watch Cole and dad.

By noon time, I'm hungry and waiting for a nurse to check on them.

I use the bathroom and sit back down beside Cole.

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