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I arrive home to find dad gone. I sigh in relief.

I find mom in the kitchen and greet her with a hug.

"Where have you been?" She asks with a smile as she finishes cooking dinner.

"At church. Then hung out with the Ramsey's and Reyes'." I reply simply, watching as she readjusts her hold on the pot.

"Really? I thought you hated Mina and adored Cole and couldn't stand the two together?" She asks with a raised eyebrow as she places the pot on the table and starts fixing up dinner.

"Yeah, well. So much has happened and I really need to talk to you about something. It affects everything and explains everything that has happened, is happening and will happen." I say, drumming my fingers on the counter.

I'm nervous. Mom doesn't know a thing.

"So you're finally going to tell me what you and your dad are up to?" She asks, copying my voice and looking at me expectantly.

My jaw drops.

"Honey, I'm not blind. You and your dad found something to bond over and it's building your relationship. I know how much you missed him as a kid so this is another chance to reconnect." She explains.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Okay, first. Yes it was a sort of bond. But no, it is not building a relationship. Quite the opposite actually."

"Do you want to talk over dinner?" She asks, sitting down.

I sit down beside her and look at the food prepared. "Is dad coming home for dinner?"

Mom sighs softly but I hear it. "He's off to work again."

Thank God. I tell myself. This should be easier. "God, help me. Work this out please. And bless this food. Thank you." I whisper.

"Before anything, I also want to invite you to go to church with me next week." I say, biting into the pork as I watch her face change.

"Uh, sure, dear. I'd love to." She says with a smile. "But what do you have to tell me?"

"Oh, uh." I take another bite and calm myself. "Maybe I can show you something upstairs. It'll make things easier to explain."

She nods. "Okay. How's the food?"

"Delicious as always." I reply. "Too bad dad's missing again."

She nods slowly, and we finish dinner in silence. Comfortable silence, like we're both at the same table but on different worlds.

She follows me upstairs as I lead the way to my room. I go into my walk-in closet and push against a hidden door.

She gasps as the door falls inward and reveals wigs and clothes I'd never wear on my own.

Maybe the spoiled popular rich girl was an act that became a lifestyle and then an act again but I do not complain about the outfits and the money.

"W-why do you have all this? What do you need it for?" She asks, looking at me carefully. "And how did you two keep this away from me?"

She walks around, studying each wig, piece of jewelry, jacket, pair of boots, and so on.

I begin the tale.

"Mina was popular in middle school. I was the loner quiet one. Dad noticed. He promised me fame and riches, enough to even get me to Hollywood." I say with a bitter laugh. "I agreed. I was blind, naïve, fame hungry and madly in love with Cole Ramsey. Mina was my ticket. But it changed when I found out. When I found her secret. Her dad was abusing her and she wasn't as amazing as she seemed. I took advantage of it. I told dad."

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