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We've already toured Nassau and took so many pictures, I think we'll all be needing new phones.

We took pictures with more Disney characters today and I haven't seen Mina this carefree and happy in so long.

I smile as I watch her playing with a little girl we just met here in the pool.
She's so good with kids.

Charity and Carson went to watch a movie with our parents. It's just us here.

The girl's mom comes back. "Thank you two so much! You're really kind people and I'm sure you'll make great parents one day!" She blabbers while taking a picture of her daughter with us.

We wave goodbye and share an amused look.

We swim for another hour then head downstairs to change.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, watching as she holds her hands to her stomach, trying to walk normally.

"I'm fine." She says, putting on a smile.

"Mina," I say, but she stops me.

"I'm okay, Cole. This is normal pain, okay? Not something that's gonna kill me." She rolls her eyes for emphasis but I don't believe her.

"You always scare me and you nearly died on me. Don't joke about it." I reprimand lightly putting an arm around her.

"Sorry Mr. Big Baby." She mumbles.

Despite her denying her pain, she leans into me as we walk to a quiet hallway. We found comfort here, easier to talk and read or just spend time with each other.

She sits slowly and I know she avoids my gaze as I watch. I sit beside her and we look out the circular window.

The water is still, as blue as ever and- she gasps. "Are those dolphins?"

I look at where she's pointing and smile. "Looks like it."

She presses her hands against the glass and stares at the fins cutting through the surface.

I try to watch them too. One even jumps out and we catch it on camera. But even then, I can't keep my mind away from her. I glance at her every now and then.

She's in pain somehow. And I don't know what to do.

We hear Charity and Carson before they come into view.

"Guys there are dolphins!" Mina exclaims without looking at them.

I notice their serious faces trying to smile for her. They marvel at the dolphin sight and share a look.

Mom, dad and Clarissa watch us from a few feet away.

"What is it?" I ask, looking back at my older siblings.

Mina finally notices the seriousness and turns to face us, confusion on her face.

"Annika called. Your dad's looking for you." Charity says.

At first, confusion. Then anger and lastly, blankness. She stares at her mom and they seem to have the same thoughts, telepathy or something. Clarissa shakes her head and Mina raises an eyebrow.

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