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Being in jail was good and bad. Good in a way that I didn't have to plan things, food was always prepared and given, and I could just hang with friends while doing stuff.

It was bad because they haunted me. Every time I try to sleep, their faces show up on the wall. Their broken, bleeding, dying faces.

I never thought my life would turn out like this.

Topen De Gareau is my lawyer friend and boss. He just dropped my off at the driveway of our house.

I look up and marvel at how strong and beautiful this house has stayed. The exact opposite with my family. Are we even family?

I step inside and meet silence. I walk inside as if for the first time and notice the frames hanging in the hallway. Despite all I did to her, Clarissa never took them down.

I look at the faces of a happy young man with his beautiful young wife and their adorable baby girl. I follow the timeline, the last picture of us in the backyard with Mina's old dog. I gave it away when she was five.

The plans were being set and not even a dog could stand in the way.

I shake my head and pass the kitchen where the broken shards of all the bottles I've had the last time I was here are still lying on the ground. Right. Mina's not here to clean it up.

I huff. I'm not cleaning that mess up.

How did I even get here?

I look up to find myself staring at another picture.

I slam my hands onto the table. How long can I keep going?

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hello, Ron. Are you home?" Topen's voice is low and silky. He sounds like a good businessman but you can feel the authority, the need to fear him.

"Yes, sir." I reply, trying to push away the clear thoughts and regrets. Not drinking for a while can do that to ya.

"We have another situation. An opening. One of our men needs your help to put his girls in line."

I don't like this. "I just got back, Topen. What if they catch us? I can't go back."

There's a long pause before be answers. "You won't get caught."

"How?" I demand. "We never thought I'd get caught. The deal worked until it didn't. I can't go through that again."

He takes time to consider then finally relents. "You can pass this. Regain your strength. But I need you ready for whenever we need you. Got it?"

I nod. Forgetting he can't see me, I reply "yes, sir."

He hangs up and I'm left staring at our family's picture. That was a lifetime ago. When we were different people. And I don't think we can ever gain it back.

I've been pushed too far and I've done too much.

I open the fridge to see nothing inside. "Great." I mumble.

I head upstairs and into our closet to change. Something's different.

I step out then back in. She's missing clothes.

Half of her stuff in the closet are gone. I change quickly and check Mina's room. Same thing. All their necessities are gone too.

My heart starts racing.

Did they leave me?

Has the day finally come?

Will they turn me in again? Will I rot in jail for the rest of my life?

I pace through the hallway. Will Topen be able to protect me? No, no, I don't think so.

The pictures in the hallway seem to come alive. Ghosts in front of me, haunting me for what I've done.

I see Mina, my daughter. My precious daughter. And Clarissa. Clarissa, my love.

I didn't want this.

I fall on my knees, slamming my fists into the floor over and over again. I've never cried like this.

What is this feeling? This- clear, painful, regretful feeling?

Half of me tells me to get a drink. Drown this just as I've drowned every single thing that's happened to me. It's like the liquid has a way of keeping everything pressed down as long as I keep drinking but if I stop- it all comes to the surface.

I don't like this feeling. But I think I need it.

My phone buzzes again.

I look at the caller through blurry eyes and see Topen's name.

I clear my throat and sit up. "Yes?"

"Change of plans. Your next assignment will be in Texas. So get ready." He hangs up. No room for negotiation.

I look up as if answers to my life can just fall from the ceiling.

I'm breathing heavily, my body knowing that no alcohol after years of drinking is finally taking effect.

I know what I need to do. The thing I dreaded the most. But what if- what if they don't accept me?

I look at the first family picture we had, touching their faces lightly. I'm not worthy of them. But I need to try. This needs to stop.

I stand. "I will find you and talk to you." I tell the picture. "Even if my life ends in the end. I need to make this right."

Ron packed his things into a duffle bag, looking around their master's bedroom as if for the last time. He didn't know where to start but he knew this was it. The time had come for him to fight back.

Back when they were true lovers, he opened up himself to the woman he loved. But there was one thing he never shared and it ruined everything.

He makes the brave decision to visit the only two couples who know about their situation.

First, he visits their neighbors, the Ramsey's. He rings the doorbell, knocks on the door, peeks through the windows. He goes back to the house to call but still no one answers.

He decides to go to the next house.

Annika opens the door. Her expression is a mixture of emotions and she demands an explanation.

He says he cannot say without her parents.

They bring him into the backyard where he gives up the whole story. Even the part he never told his own wife.

The three are shocked at the turn of events, wondering how could a person be so wicked.

They agree to help the two women who should've been his only two women.

Annika arranges things while the pastors talk to Ron. They offer him a proposal and he accepts.

Though there's still much to face and the biggest possibility of dying at the end of this, he's finally felt something he gave up on years ago.


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