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It's dark but I embrace it. I know that the Ramsey's would look for me so I'm debating on which place to stay in. One that only Cole would know or one that no one would find me.

I'm debating on going back. My phone keeps ringing but I ignore it.

I have my backpack on and keep walking through the city. Cole knows I like running here.

I decide to take the subway. I walk down the stairs and into the station when I stop. No. Should I?

I hesitate. Going forward means no going back. I can't leave everything I've made for myself here.

I sigh. What is wrong with me?

I sit on a bench in the underground station and watch as people go back and forth. I wonder what stories they have to tell.

"Mina?" A low voice catches my attention and fear creeps inside me.

I turn to see one of Ron's friends staring at me in shock.

"Are you alone?" He asks carefully, eyes darting.

He's afraid of Ron. I've heard some of their conversations especially those regarding women.

I don't answer.

"Do you want to come to our place? Well, my parents' place? They won't mind." He says softly, his eyes changing into the similar look Ron gets around me. "You're a pretty girl and shouldn't be alone out here at this time."

The city's still busy at night and in the early morning but there's not as much people so not as much cover. He's right. I can't be alone.

But I'd rather be alone than with him.

"I'm okay. Just waiting for someone." I say, daring him to invite me again.

He gulps and nods. "O-okay. Say hi to Ron for me."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Does everything I do have to be connected to Ron? Couldn't I be here to meet friends?

I watch as he walks away, always looking back to see if I'm still here.

Or maybe there's something behind me.

I turn around but my vision turns black and I scream as hands cover my mouth.

What a great distraction that man turned out to be. Ron's going to pay for this.


We're in the city. Though there are still people around, it's not too many that we'd have a hard time spotting her.

"She must be underground." Charity says.

"Do you think she took the-"

She cuts me off. "She wouldn't leave you, Cole. I know that."

I shut my mouth and continue looking around. "I'll check the subway."

She drops me off. "Keep your phone near you and don't be a fool. Stay alert."

I nod as she drives off to keep searching.

I walk down the stairs that lead to the underground station.

I look around and notice how there's only a few people left here. I walk to the booth and ask the lady casually if she's seen a pretty young girl with light brown hair.

The lady nods and motions for me to lean in as she speaks through the glass. "Someone got her. They brought her out just a few minutes ago. I know the man. Barny Brains he goes by. This city is safe and not one for gangs but he's a good leader and a secretive one. Be careful around him boy."

I thank her and hurry up the way she pointed. I call Charity and she picks me up. "Who's Barny Brains?"

She looks at me, confused. "I don't know."

I call my parents but I get the same answer.

"Carson? You're my only hope here." I say as Charity drives around.

"I think I've heard of him. Bad guy." My brother says. "Don't know much though."

I thank him and keep my eyes peeled for a guy and a young girl.

It's almost dawn when we give up.

"Let's go home. You have classes in a few hours." Charity says softly.

I nod and watch as we hurry home. There's no luck finding her.

Charity parks in the garage just as Carson comes out of the front door. His face is grim.

"What's wrong?" I ask, Charity following.

He leads us inside where mom and dad sit on the couch talking intensely.

"Mina's back." Carson says in a low voice.

"What?" I ask, shocked. "We looked all over for her."

Carson nods. "I think that guy you mentioned got her. And he must've been a friend of Ron's cuz she was literally dropped at their door unconscious."

"How could they do this to her?" I whisper.

Mom and dad finally notice us and usher us into the living room.

Dad sighs, his arms crossed. "What do you think we can do?"

He's asking everyone but his attention is on me.

I look at the floor, wondering the same thing.

"I don't know. He's her father. She has to be the one to report it." I say, trying not to add all the other things he's done to her.

"Can you convince her to? This is too much. She must be going through so much." Mom says in a soft voice. I know she's hurting too. Mina wasn't always like this.

"I'll talk to her later." I say after a while.

"Me too." Charity adds. "It's been a while since we had sister talks. I'll ask for a leave from work."

"I'm just a call away." Carson says. We know he can't do random leaves at his job.

Mom nods proudly. "And I'll talk to Clarissa again. She was shaking when she saw her daughter was dropped like a rag doll."

"Wait. She saw it?" Carson asks, balling his fists.

Mom nods. "I did too. I was bringing her back to their house when we saw three men knock on the front door and drop the poor girl. She was already unconscious so she didn't feel the pain then. If she's awake, she'll feel it now."

Carson and I share a look. Charity reads it and puts a hand on both of us. "No fighting. You two are going to just cause more trouble. Let's go to sleep and just be there for Mina and Clarissa okay?"

We relent but share a look before heading up.


I wake up to agonizing pain. What happened?

I hear yelling and crying. There are loud noises that I haven't heard in a long time.

My head starts throbbing and I take quick breaths. The physical pain is overtaken by the memories flooding my mind.


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