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It's been almost three weeks since the accident and there are a few suspects. Among them, we already know who it is.

She won't admit it and her dad sure helps with the cover up story.

As the police met with Ron one day, they came to a shocking conclusion. It changed everything.

I look up as Mina walks in, crutches in hand. "Look who's ready for the trip."

She laughs softly. "I haven't been on a roadtrip in ages."

"Well, I'm very excited." I say, leaning back and watching as she arranges herself to sit beside me. She looks at me with that stare that makes me catch my breath and brushes away a lock of hair.

I smile down at her and she smiles back. She leans forward, her head on my chest and I put my arm around her. "Someone's extra clingy today."

I clear my throat, not meaning for my voice to suddenly come out huskier and lower than usual.

She laughs again, not adding anything.

"You better not be hiding anything from me. You-" I pause and take a deep breath. " -scared me too many times, hon."

She nods and cuddles closer. My grip tightens around her.

"Well, look at the little lovebirds." Carson says, leaning against the wall. "Do you both just want to stay there or?"

I chuckle and Mina sits up as I get ready to stand.

I feel arms around me and I look down to see her holding on to me.

Shocked, I look up at Carson who's smiling. He hugs the air and I follow his motion.

I wrap my arms around the fragile girl and help her as we head to the van.

Carson follows with a big smile on his face.

Dad and Carson are in the front, mom, Clarissa and Charity in the middle while Mina and I stay in the back with the bags.

I scroll through my music but give up. "Carson, play something will ya? Pretty please?"

Carson gives a thumbs up. "Sorry parents."

Disney songs play and the four of us sing along.

I turn to look at her and she's smiling as she sings along. She looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head and she rolls her eyes, leaning against me.

My arm instinctively goes around her small frame and we continue singing and talking about movie until we reach the border of South Dakota.

She pulls her jacket closer and I hurry to get the blankets prepared. I get the fluffiest wool blanket and wrap it around her.

"You too." She mutters, putting it around me.

She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths.

I wait and watch.

The doctor told me how weak she would be. When she finally woke up after five days, she could barely talk.

We still decided to push through with the road trip because it could help her in the other areas she's coping with.

Her rib cage is mostly broken, her legs badly bruised and her hip was dislocated.

When she woke up, she smiled. She looked at each of us like it was the last time. It scared me so much, I cried.

She laughed softly when it was just the two of in that hospital room. She held out her hand and I took it.

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