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A21 has freed more than fifty girls and women in the last month. Thanks to some inside help, they have found the abusers and they have been sent to jail, waiting for their sentences to be confirmed. Though it is not a national epidemic, the fact that this is happening one city could mean it could be rampant in many places within the country. The government has dispatched a team to investigate and help A21 on this.

"Are you ready for this assignment?" He asks.

The assistant nods. "More than ready."

He smiles cruelly. "Good. He left us and started draining us. We've lost a lot of money in the past month. Now, we need to repay them for what they've done."

The assistant nods, a smile matching her boss'.

"I'd be more than happy to make the young girl pay. Even if it costs her her life. They've done too much damage to us. We're almost millionaires!" She exclaims.

He nods. "Exactly. Go and do your job. I'll keep doing mine. Let's see how happy they'll be after this."

The assistant walks out, smile in place as she changes into an appropriate outfit.

The wig is blond, opposing her natural dark brown hair. She wear contacts just in case and puts on cheap clothing.

"I don't know who's wear this every day. I'd rather suffer from chicken pox than wear this." She says with disgust as she stares at herself in the mirror.

She walks out of the building and to the rented car.

"Time to make a scene." She says, her hands excited as she drives through the city.

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