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I'm back in school and I admit, I did miss it.

My absence confirmed the rumors and people either regard me with pity or disgust. As if I chose to be in this family and go through my experiences. Don't we all go through the unfair and ever changing thing called life? Stop judging people. No one's perfect.

I close the locker door a little too hard and Cole raises an eyebrow. I smile apologetically.

"Thoughts." I say with a dismissive shrug when his eyes search mine.

"Mm." Is all he says as we walk to our last class.

Before the lesson, our teacher gives an announcement.

"I would like to remind you all that there is an assembly later and everyone must attend. It will be in the auditorium and your attendance will serve as your quiz score." She says, as everyone starts whispering.

We only get assemblies when something important has happened or is about to happen. I feel a heavy weight in my stomach. I try not to think about it.

After class, we all head to the auditorium. I'm sitting in between Cole and Annika. They've become not only my closest and bestest friends, but my bodyguards too.

People know not to mess with me with them near. The sad thing is, it makes them talk more.

"What do you think this is about?" Annika whispers to Cherry then Hailey then other friends.

No one knows.

We're shocked when we see a teary eyed Jennifer standing behind the podium.

Our principal looks grave but she talks anyway. "Jennifer would like to address everyone and I believe that this is a good way to test everyone's character, trust, loyalty and filtering skills."

Jennifer turns to look at her in shock, the tears somewhat disappearing. Must've been an insult to her.

She takes the microphone and takes a deep breath. She sure does like being dramatic.

"First of all, I would like to say that what I will say is highly confidential and very reliable." She emphasizes the last word by looking at our principal who raises an eyebrow. "But I am allowed to share this with you and so I would like to ask for your help."

She pauses and everyone's waiting for her to explain. The rich and popular, pretty and spoiled Jennifer needing help from the student body? Why?

"I have a friend who found herself in a low and very deep situation that she can't seem to get out of." She searches the crowd 'til her eyes land on me. People follow her gaze.

I squirm under her gaze and look at our principal who shakes her head.

I stay silent, my face unreadable. Jennifer doesn't scare me. And I don't care what these people think. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

"I believe most of you, if not all, have seen the pictures anonymously going viral. How her mother, a prostitute-"

I scowl. That is untrue. How dare she!

Annika and Cole have a hand on either of my wrists, holding me down.

"-her father was just put into jail for being an alcoholic and doing some," She pauses for effect, letting the words sink into everyone's minds. "really bad things. So Mina here, has been going through a really rough time. I would like to propose a charity fund to help Mina pay for all the things she needs in life. Even for whatever can satisfy her body's cravings." She smirks at me now, giving me the what-can-you-do look.

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