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It takes forever for all of them to be rounded in their respective cells. They're to be transferred to Pierre in the morning.

I hide my emotions pretty well, being greatly experienced in the role of a brat.

"Why did you do this?" He hisses at me from behind bars.

I'm sitting on a bench in front of them, waiting for the officer to give the next instructions.

I'm not far from being put into prison myself. I'm walking on a really thin line here.

"You gave yourself no choice. If all good things come to an end, eventually, which I don't fully believe, bad things end quicker." I reply as the officer walks in.

"Jennifer? We need to do the schedule." He says, eyes warm.

Officer Gray knows me pretty well, having been an old acquaintance of mom. He knows dad pretty well but was super shocked at this turn of events.

I follow him out, ignoring the hard stare of my father.

"Jennifer, your mom called and asked for pardon." He says slowly, handing me a paper. "But you're eighteen aren't you?"

I nod slowly.

He sighs. "I'm sorry but you must also serve your sentence. Unless she pardons you."

I smile and shake my head. "Don't involve Mina. She's got a lot to deal with already. I'll do it. But don't I need to witness in court?"

He nods. "You'll serve ten years after."

"Just ten?" I ask, surprised.

He smiles. "That's the Jennifer I know. Not spoiled, proud or haughty."

My smile widens at that. "Don't tell dad."

He nods and puts a fist over his heart. "You have my word."

After another hour of talking, I head out of the station and walk to mom's waiting car. I open the door and sit down, not minding her curious look.

"Don't even ask or persuade me. I told you this would happen." I say softly as she drives.

"Hospital or home?" She asks.

I think about it. If we go to the hospital, mom's most likely gonna blabber discreetly to Mina and ask for a pardon.


She nods and takes the left road heading home.

I hurry to my room to change and jump into bed.

"What about dinner?" Mom asks from the doorway.

"No thanks." I mutter, drifting off to sleep.

Nightmares crawl into my mind, poisoning my once good dreams, and I find myself screaming.


Jennifer's mom knocks at the front door.

Cole's back home and it's two days until the hearing. We're all required to attend. I got to meet some of the girls who were also victims to this horrible act.

I open the door and find a sad smile on the beautiful and still looking face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Jennifer won't let me but you have to know." She whispers.

I usher her inside and she sits on our couch.

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