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The team's celebrating today. It was our last competition before the season for inter-school sports ended.

The guys at soccer are with us too. Well, our friends from the team. They also had their last game and walked out as champions!

It's been a tough season but we did good this year. We still have the Spring Cup so senior year isn't over yet.

We're headed to the movies and I've been feeling more relaxed since my confession talk with dad.

I talk and laugh easily now, mot as many walls guarding me.

I know people notice it too because they talk to me more. I'm back as real and raw as ever. No more masks.

Yesterday got me thinking. About music and legacies. The Beatles are just an example of how passion can truly change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but your world.

I wonder what kind of legacy I'm leaving behind.

We're about to head to the diner when I remember something. I visited the music store just after the movie and I hurry back.

"I'll take a taxi!" I call out before anyone can follow me.

The pedestrian light is red and they're stuck on the other side of the street. Knowing them, they'd probably wait for me.

I hurry back into the store. "Am I too much trouble?"

The kind lady behind the desk laughs and shakes her head. "Not at all."

She hands me the music boxes and smaller boxes and I thank her. "I hope they'll like these."

She smiles fondly. "I'm sure they'd love them. They're from you."

I smile and walk out. I look both ways before crossing and hurry to catch up with them.

I reach them with a big smile and then I hear crying.

I turn to see a little girl walking as if she couldn't see. She's lost and alone.

"Hold these." I tell Annika, shoving the stuff into her hands.

"Mina, wait!"

I hurry to the middle of the street and push the girl out of the way as a car races towards me.

I hear her yelp and see Cole and the other guys protecting her as the car races.

He's running towards me. Like he said, he'll never be running from me. Always towards me.

I smile at him as I brace for the impact. The driver must not have seen the lights. Either that or the person's drunk.

I hear angry yelling as I feel the heavy pressure move away. I hear noises and sounds, seeing someone towering over me.

I feel the familiar pull of darkness as I slip into unconsciousness.


We yell at the car fading from view.

"This was on purpose." I exclaim, punching the air like it was to blame.

The guys agree and Francis helps the little girl into the store where her mom waits. The little girl is blind and her mom thanks us over and over again. She calls the police for us too and so they get a double report.

Annika called her parents, the others call theirs too.

"It's the third time she's been admitted to the hospital this year. And all foe physical injuries." Annika whispers, standing next to me. "This is too much for her body. She's only recently started eating good."

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