102 ARRRGH 102

891 22 18

ARRRGH PACED THE room, frowning. Something was wrong.

No one had to call him for him to know, no, Arrrgh just knew. There was supposed to be a meeting tonight, and no one showed, but no one cancelled.

He was still pacing a few minutes later when M'gann phased through the floor, eyes wide and haunted.

"Where's Connor?" She demands shakily. "Please tell me they're not back at the house!"

Arrrgh looks at the girl in confusion. What was wrong now?

Draal walked over, as smooth on his feet as a human as he had been a Troll, his grace belying his warrior status. He was dressed in an outfit obviously from Jim's closet, though the sweater he was wearing as a shirt was something that must have been too large for Jim as it fit Draal well. "Megan, yes?"

M'gann tensed; her eyes glowed green for a moment before returning, still tense, but her radars had moved back to the original threat instead of the one she had perceived from Draal. "The Lakes are in danger. We all are."

Draal looked at her in complete bafflement. "From who?"

[TO BE REWRITTEN] LEGENDS NEVER DIE   {Trollhunters/Young Justice}Where stories live. Discover now