➼ caleel harris

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"uh...what to watch...what to watch?" i asked myself as i continued to scroll through the netflix shows

i had been looking for something for maybe, an whole hour, i was really bored

i grabbed my phone and began to scroll through instagram, i found myself scrolling through caleel harris' page

caleel and i have been friends since the second grade, we have done everything together growing up


getting older caleel became more 'famous' which caused him to have to move out of town

we were both upset and we two grew father and father apart, i miss him so much

but anyways, i still was bored, i was actually supposed to go to school today, but i was not feeling it

i was going to snapchat, when i recieved a knock on my door, why is she home so early? i stood up and walked to the door

"mom, why are you home so early" i asked as i opened the door, there was no one there, wtf

i slowly opened it more to be scared by a familiar face...caleel

"heyy" he yelled smiling

i was frozen until out of nowhere i jumped in to his arms, he held under my legs making sure i were safe

"omg, what are you here for, not that i dont want you to be here, but i just find it weird, but at the same time we-" i realized that i was talking a lot so i stopped to listen to him

"im so sorry y/n, but every thing got so busy and everything just got so crazy, but i missed my bestfriend" he hugged me tighter

"it's ok, i understand" i got down from his waist and kissed his cheek

he reached in his bookbag and grabbed my favorite movie as a kid...'because of winn-dixie' and smirked

"how have you been?" i asked smiling

"pretty good, acting is going very well, living in l.a. is pretty good, and everyone i have met are all amazing how about you" he replied

"well, great actually, i am close to graduating, grades are very good, and life at home is fun" i replied laughing

"that's so good, i have missed you a lot" he said

"yo, i have missed you too, everyone at that school is so boring" i said smiling

we were both too happy so, he put in the movie and we both ran to the bed

he sat in between my legs on the floor as i was on the bed, and we to stayed like that for the rest of the night until you both fell asleep

i was happy to have my best freind back

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