➼ tupac shakur !

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tupac and i have been dating for 7 months, and i can't lie, it has been the best 7 of my life, he has always been so amazing, since, i have met him

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tupac and i have been dating for 7 months, and i can't lie, it has been the best 7 of my life, he has always been so amazing, since, i have met him

"yurrrr" he said walking into our shared bedroom, with the food, he went out for

"hii" i said as he handed me the bag

"i got some tacos, for you, like you asked, and a burger and fries for me" he said taking off his jacket and shoes

he walked over to me, and we shared a kiss, and them he sat down, and grabbed the food out the bag

he handed me my 2 tacos, and grabbed his food and we began to eat, not gonna lie, i was lowkey, eyeing his burger

he always had this thing of splitting his foods in half, for some unknown reason

it looked so good, but i asked for tacos, and he hates when i take his food

"what you looking at?" he asked

"oh, um nothing" i said taking a bite of my taco, and looking back down, then back up only to lock eyes with tupac, he knew already

"no, you have tacos...you asked for tacos" he said taking a bite of his sandwich half

"i didnt even say anything" i said sitting back, lowkey sad

"yea, but i know you, you want it, but you won't even like it" he said

"yes, i will" i mumbled rolling my eyes "i just..."

"want one bite" we said in unison

"you always want one bite, you got tacos" he
said laughing

i just pouted, while eating my taco, i lowkey really wanted the other half

"i cant just have a bite?" i asked

"take it...TAKE IT...-"

"i just want a bite" i said sadly

"take it" he said

"i just want a bite, and your yelling at me" i said sad, he leaned his arm towards me

"just one bite, okay?" i said "no, not that one" i said moving his arms and picking up the other half, and taking a bite, it was so good

"i told you, i would like it" i said rolling my eyes and sitting back enjoying my taco

after we finished eating, i ran downstairs to throw everything away, as i was down there, i heard tupac scream

i ran upstairs to see no one around

"babe" i called out worried

"ahhhh" i heard in my ear turning around to see him standing in front of my face

"what the fuck?" i asked clutching my heart

he was just laughing as loud as he can, i rolled my eyes and sat on my bed

"that's shit was too fun" he said laughing

"nah, you just mean" i said

"maybe you shouldnt eat my food anymore, kid" he said smirling

"whatever" i said blushing, i loves it more than anything when he called me that, it sounded so cute to me

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