➼ jaden cradle !

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narrator's p.o.v.

for aslong as you could remember, anytime you were stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or mad, you would have a panic attack

jaden, your boyfreind of 4 years was the only person, for some reason, that could get you through them

he always made you feel better, in some way

y/n's p.o.v.

"baby, come here" i said calling jaden

"yea, wassup?" he asked

"did i do this right?" i asked showing him the dance i redid, 7 times already

"nope, you go to do this first" he said showing me the dance move

"ok thanks" i said deleting the last clip and propping my phone back up

"you're welcome; but i have to go and finish some homework downstairs" he said and kissed me then left

"ughhh" i groaned getting mad and anxious

i was still working on the tik tok that i was supposed to post 10 minutes ago, but, i kept messing up the dance

it was just me in my room alone, continuing trying not to not get the moves mixed up more, again, i messed up, i dont know what was going through my head

you might be thinking, i am so overreacting, but i hate letting my fans down, and i already have, cause i didnt post at the time schedule

i walked over to my bed and sat down to watch the original creator do the dance another time

after watching it x198372882, i stood back up to retry, i just wasnt getting it

and then the tears came streaming down my face, i hate that i am like this, my breathing got heavier as i dropped to the floor on my knees

"y/n" jaden called running into the bedroom, he got on his knees and pulled me into his chest "calm down, babygirl" he said

"i have to make a video" i said still crying

"babygirl, it is fine, give me your phone" he said reaching for it

"no, they are going to be mad" i said clutching it, he pried it out my hands

i continued crying, and he hugged me tighter

"bae, it's okay, look me in the eyes, okay?" he said caressing me back, i looke up into the beautiful, brown eyes, fell in love with years back "forget the phone, and the tik toks, just lay down with me" he said

we stood up, walked back over to my bed and he layed down, and i crawled onto his chest, in his arms, he wrapped his arms around my waist

"i am sorry" i said feeling bad for how i acted

"baby, dont apologize, its apart of who you
are, you're special" he said kissing my forehead "i love you"

"and i love you" i said slowly drifting off to sleep as i felt a blanket fall over my body

jaden's p.o.v.

y/n fell asleep on my chest, i carefully removed  her from it, and stood up grabbing her phone

she had been struggling on a dance for almost an hour, and she was really upset, so i decided to do it for her

after finishing the video, i posted it, adding the caption: hey everyone, y/n is not feeling today, so i am here, comment some things that would make her feel better <3

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