➼ myles truit !

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"no myles, please dont leave me" i whimpered grabbing his arm

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"no myles, please dont leave me" i whimpered grabbing his arm

"no, y/n i hate you, stay away from me" he yelled snatching his arm away

"what did i do?" i asked crying, clueless

"it doesn't even matter, never talk to me again" he screamed closing the door, i ran towards it, but it was too late

"i love you" i said softly...

"noo" i screamed shooting myself up, i immediately grabbed my phone and called myles "please, answer..."

"yes, y/n, it 3 am what's wrong?" he asked concerned

"i had...a bad dr...eam that you...left me alone" i broke down in tears

"calm down, y/n" he said

"no, it feels so real" i said crying

"i'm right here and not leaving, just try to go back to sleep" he offered

"what if it come back?" i asked

"y/n, it won't come back, and if it does, that dream catcher i bought you will scare it away" he said laughing

"this is not a laughing matter, i am really scared" i said frowning

"alright, im coming over" and then i heard the beeping at the end signaling that he had hung up

if he was coming over i wasn't as worried because he lives three houses down from me, i heard a knock on the window and run to it and open it quietly.

"come in" i said still crying, he immediately hugged me hard

"y/n, it was just a dream i promise i'll never leave you you're my best friend and i love you" he said looking in my eyes.

"i love you too, myles, thanks for coming over" i said hugging him hard, we let go of each other after about a minute and went and layed down "how long can you stay?" i asked

"not long, my parents might find out" he replied sighing

"please stay, at least until i fall asleep?" i asked with puppy eyes

"um, i'm not so sure about that, i am not even-"

"come on, please" she asked

"fine but, when your asleep, i gotta go home" he repeated sighing "turn on the t.v." he said

myles p.o.v.

i watched y/n lay in my arms and close her eyes, she looks so peaceful and i didn't want to bother her. her light snores caught my attention, i carefully picked her up off my chest and layed her on her plush pillow

"no" she said grabbing my hand "where are you going?" she asked with her eyes fluttering

"i have to go home before my parents realize im not there" i sighed.

"ok, bye myles" she said pulling the blanket up i kissed her forehead

"bye y/n, i love you"

"i love you too, bye" i climbed out the window thinking about my best friend

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