➼ caleel harris

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*brrrggg* the bell rung as i stood up to walk out of class

"hey, Caleel and y/n, can i see you to for a minute?" she said with a bright smile, i was confused, did i do something wrong i thought to myself, i shook my head yes walking over to her,

"yes mam" i replied. Caleel walked over by me assuming he heard his name get called to

"okay so Caleel, I see that you've been failing this class for 2 weeks now and I can tell that you need some help... and I wanted to know if y/n would help you?" she said sending her glare to me. it took me a while to answer

"um...sure as long as he's okay with it" i said looking at him,

"are you okay with it, Caleel" she asked, "i guess" he said looking irratated,

"well thanks y/n, and thank you Caleel, bye" she said smiling...Caleel walked out of the class when he tapped on my shoulder,

"so when should we start" he looked me in the eyes

"anytime is ok with me" i said adjusting my glasses,

"ok, great how about now?"

"yea, but just so you should know my parents aren't home"

"that's okay" he replied, we began walking, it was mostly quiet, except for me telling him where i lived, he looked at my house like he had never seen one before, I mean it was sort of big for where we lived and it wasn't that far from the school, when we arrived we walked up to my front door as a grab my key and unlocked it, we walked in and went to the kitchen first

"do you want anything to drink?" i asked

"no, im fine" I showed my shoulders and we walked up there to my room

"so...this is my room, kinda boring, i know" I watched him stare at the trampoline that was built into my floor, and he turned his head and looked back at me

"nope, when we finish studying i promise you can jump" he walked over to my bed we sat down and pulled out our books,

"have you always had that?" he asked amused,

"yea" i giggled,

we were now to problem 4 and he had got every one wrong, he obviously wasn't trying

"omg! how are you so smart" he asked pouting

"because im trying" i smirked, he stared at my lips for round 15 seconds and i got an idea

"okay since you obviously
don't want to do this I want to make a
challenge, for every question you get
right you get a kiss" i said looking at
him, his mouth dropped open, then

"and how would you know if i wanted to kiss you?" he asked raising his eyebrow

"ok, if that is the case, then why have i caught you staring at my lips 4 times now" i smirked

"well, you know, I, um-, let's just get started" he said, we began working on the problems again we had been to three and he hadn't gotten them right, but I could tell that he was now trying,

"omg" he growled getting mad

"calm down, try this" i said showing himn the problem, he looked at it like it was easy, he began writing the steps down and I saw that he was doing it right, i was proud, he finished and showed me

"'no..you got it wrong again" i said
frowning. T. Ggg_y

"really?" he said also frowning

"jk, you go it right, im proud of you" i
said giving him a high five, and when
my hand touched his he grabbed it and pulled me closer to him and kissed me, i went along with the kiss until he stopped it, I was sort of sad but it had been long enough anyways,

"your a good kisser" he complimented me, I just smiled blushing,

"ok let's do the. next one and maybe you'll get another" i smirked

i dont really like this one :/

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