➼ vallyk pena !

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vallyk and i were going on our third date tonight, he asked me to dress casual, so i assumed something chill

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vallyk and i were going on our third date tonight, he asked me to dress casual, so i assumed something chill

i put on a pair of black ripped jeans, with a pink crop top, with the word 'babygirl' on the front, and i straightened my hair down

i then grabbed some perfume, spraying it on, applied my deodorant, and brushed my teeth

*incoming facetime from vallyk <3*

"heyy" i said smiling

"heyy, how are you?" he asked

"good, and you?" i replied

"i am good, you ready for tonight"

"yea, i am excited" i squealed "what are we gonna do?" i asked

"that is a surprise, but i can tell you, that you will be very happy" he said

"ok, i cant wait" i said smiling

"i will pick you up in an hour" he said

"ok, bye" i said

"byeee" he said

i hung up and began doing light makeup, i didnt want to do to much

after i finished, i go on my phone and scrolled through instagram, until vallyk was here

45 minutes passed, so i put on my converse, and lotioned my arms, and went downstairs after turning of my lights of, i grabbed my keys and sat on my couch

*text message*
vallyk; i am outside, but take your time :)

y/n; ok, omw !

i turned off my living room light, locked my door, and walked towards his car, i opened the door and got in

"hey" he said smiling at me, he then leaned over and hugged me

"hi" i said

"you ready?" he asked as i buckled my seatbelt

"yup" i replied

"ok let's go" he said smiling, he began to drive, i just looked out the window and admired the veiw

"have you ever been there?" i asked pointing at the mini golf place

"no, never been" he said

"you have really, never been mini golfing?" i asked with a shocked expression

"nope" he said laughing

"i will have to take you one day" i said laughing

we arrived to a vacant street, he stopped the car and reached for something in the backseat

"omg, are you going to kill me?" i asked grabbing the car handle

"no, chill" he said laughing

"oh um, well what are we doing here" i asked chuckling

"here, put this on" he said handing me a blindfold, i grabbed it and put it on

"now what?" i asked

"hold on, we are getting there" the car started up again and he began driving, and it stopped again and the door opened on my side

my hand was grabbed, which startled me

"it's just me, vallyk" he said, i stood up out the car, we began walking towards something, it was loud and i heard screaming

he took the blindfold off, and i rubbed my eyes, seeing an fair in front off me

"wow" i said smiling

"let's go" he said grabbing my hand and we ran towards it, we bought tickets and began

we went on a tea cup ride, then began to play arcade games, where we were shooting water at ducks, whoever's won would win a prize of a duck or a large cupcake

"watch me get this w" he said smirking

"ok, bet" i said laughing

we began playing, i was to first to get the water towards the ducks mouth, my duck was almost down, further than his

and i won, i jumped up and laughed

"you lost" i said sticking my tongue out

"no, i just let you win" he said

"dont feel bad, we can share it" i said as the guy handed me an duck

"whatever, you cheated" he said laughing

i just laughed with him and we walked to the food area, we got an elephant ear to share

we pulled into my drive through and i grabbed my duck, and my drink

"thanks for tonight" i said smiling

"you're welcome, let me help you carry that stuff up" he said grabbing it, we walked towards my house and unclocked the door, he put it on my couch and walked back out

"tonight was fun" i said looking up to him

"it really was, hope we can do this again" he said smirking, he leaned in for a hug, when we let go, his hands were still placed on my waist

he pulled me in for a kiss, out lips went in sync, and he deepened it, and pulled away

"wow, i wasnt expecting that" i said blushing

"expect the unexpected" he said as kissed my cheek and walked to his car, i blushed and waved him away

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