➼ lil tjay !

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i had just finished getting dressed for work, when i got an call from an unknown number

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i had just finished getting dressed for work, when i got an call from an unknown number

"who the hell..." i mumbled to myself

i answered it and put the camera facing down, making it black, a boy was on the other side of the screen, he was black, had braids and a cute smile

"bro, what the fuck is your weird ass doing in a dark room?" he asked with a cute laugh

"um, i think you got the wrong number" i said rolling my eyes

"this isn't jordan?" he asked

"nope" i said popping the 'p'

"awn, sorry ma" he said

"tb "ma", could be a guy for all you know" i said laughing

"well in that case, yo ass need to man up" he said smirking

"funny asl" i said, he looked so familiar for some reason, but didnt want to overreact

"what you look like?" he asked

"dont you need to be talking to jordan?" i asked changing the subject

"you right, you right" he said

"yea, bye" i said and hung up

while i was in the middle of work, i got an call, from that same number earlier, i went to the back and answered it

"hello" i said showing my face this time

"wassup, i-, damn ma, you pretty asl" he said smirkin gcb at me

"thanks" i said "but what do you want?" i asked impatiently

"wow, i actually meant to call jordan again" he said laughing "but i would much rather talk to your pretty ass" he said

"stop" i said laughing

"what was your name?" he asked

"y/n, how about you?" i asked

"tione, but you can call me tjay" he said "where you stay at?" he asked

"omg, you are lil tjay, you sounded so familiar, but i just couldn't put my finger on it, and new york" i said

"yea, that's me, but me too, we should link" he said

"ion know about all that" i said looking down

"why, you scared or sum?" he asked

"nigga, ain't nobody scared of you" i said

"then let me come see you" he said

"ok, well, i get off of work at 8" i said

"that's a long ass time, you dont get no break or sum?" he asked

"yea, in 30 minutes" i said

"ok, i'll see you, send me your location" he said and i hung up

i honestly wasnt sure about this, but hey, you only live once right...many people had walking in and out the cafe in 30 minutes, i hadn't seen the tjay one time

"ayo ma" i heard from the side of the counter, i looked up to see him standing there, he looked even better in person

"give me one minute" i said running to the back bathroom and checking myself and taking off my apron, then running back out around the counter "hey" i said approaching him

he immediately went in for a hug, which i complied with "so, what you tryna do?" he asked

"i dont know, i only got an hour and a half off" i said sighing

"that's fine, we can go back to your place or something" he said

"alright cool" i said and we left

once we got in, i put my jacket up and we sat on my couch, and talked

"you was raised here?" he asked

"yea, born and raised" i replied

"awe, same for me" he said

"so, how is it in the music industry, if you dont mind me asking" i said smiling

"nah, you good babygirl, well it is honestly amazing asl, rapping puts me in my own little world" he said smiling

"aww" i said

"nah, dont try and make me look like an simp" he said serious

"it's cute though" i said tilting my head

"i know i'm cute" he said smirking

"yea, you are" i said

"you are too" he said

"well, thank you-" and before i knew it, our lips connected loving in sync and i was sitting on his lap

after having an whole make-out session, i looked at the time and sadly had to leave

"ok, well, as much as i would like to finish what this is, i got to go back to work" i said sighing

"aw, well, i'll take you back, and see you around" he said pecking my lips


7 months later...and tjay and i now date, he is honestly the love of my life and wouldnt trade it for the world

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