➼ deshae frost !

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"come on, let's go" i said to my best freind as we got out if my car and walked towards then venue

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"come on, let's go" i said to my best freind as we got out if my car and walked towards then venue

"i am so excited to me him, i have been waiting on this forever" she said cheering "bro, what if he like me, or you?" she asked

"please, he could never fall for anyone like me" i said sighing

"girl, you are the prettiest girl i know, you talking crazy" she said laughing

"thanks" i said as we walked to the line, i was so happy

...we were now standing in line for 1 hour now, we were close to the back of the line, 7 people had now gone before me and it was our turn, i so nervous

we had two different passes, i went first

"hey, beautiful" deshae said to me, i didn't think much of it cause im pretty sure he says that to all the girls

"hi" i said being very shy, he just stood there "oh um...i am supposed to say something, uh, can we do this pose" i said holding my phone up

"yea, of course" i stood up on my tippy toes to reach his cheek because he was so tall and kissed him as the camera flashed

he then turned his head and kissed me on my lips, i have no idea how but literally no one saw, gasped or even questioned it, it was quick, but i almost died

"i, um, thank you" i said blushing

"you're welcome" he replied "here" he said giving me a slip of paper, i began to open it when he closed it back up,

"read it later" he whispered in my ear, he then hugged me again, i took in his smell

"goodbye" i said smiling

i walked to the exit doors and waited for y/b/f, she soon came running towards me smiling

"he is so nice" she said squealing

"he sure is" i agreed trying to keep my composure

"what did he say to you?" she asked

"nothing much, just what he says to every fan" i said laughing as we walked out

...later that night

i walked into my house and instantly took a shower and changed into pajamas, i went to brush my teeth and stepped on something, it was the paper deshae handed me in the venue

i brushed my teeth, and went and sat in my beanbag chair to read the note


i decided to call the number, as i waited for an answer, i was nervous, someone answered

"hello?" the familiar voice said

"h- hi" i said "um, i was given this number at the venue today, so i figured, why not call it" i said smiling

"oh yeah, you were second to last at the meet and greet, you are beautiful" he said and i blushed hard

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