➼ keith powers !

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tonight, i decided to have a party for

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tonight, i decided to have a party for....acctually, just to have a party, it was basically what i was known for around my town, i had a big house, so it was awesome for parties

i was now at the grocery store, reading over my snacks, and randoms list

- chips
- drinks
- plates
- cups

i had grabbed the first three items for the party, i just needed to get cups and quick

i rushed to the cup aisle, looking everywhere, but with me being 5'0, i didnt see them sitting there on the very top shelf

"ugghh" i groaned, reaching for it, knowing that i wouldn't get it anytime soon, i began to literally climb the shelf, when i saw a large hand in front of my face

"need this?" he asked grabbing the cups and smiling

whew, bro when i tell you god took his time on this man, i mean it, he was so beautiful

"oh, uh yea" i said climbing down, and snapping out of my gaze "thank you" i said as he handed then to me, with the same smile

i smiled at him too

"no problem, this all yours?" he asked acknowledging my cart

"yea...i mean not all for me, see i am having a party tonight" i said chuckling

"oh, sound like fun, should i come?" he asked

"yea, sure, if you want to" i replied

"ok, just give me the address, and i will stop by" he said

"the address is xxxx carver street" i said

"we should exchange numbers, you know in case, i get lost" he said smiling and i blushed

he gave me his phone and i took his, putting my name in as 'y/n', and gave his phone back, he did the same, his name was put in as 'keith'

"bye, and thanks for the cups again," i said and he chuckled

"bye" he said walking towards, i'm guessing his freind

i finally got finished setting up everything, there were bowls of chips, coolers with severaly beverages, cups for the punch, and chips, with dip on the side

the party started in an hour, i ran upstairs, and took a shower, put light makeup on and for my outfit

the party started in an hour, i ran upstairs, and took a shower, put light makeup on and for my outfit

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i looked out my window to see cars pulling up, i ran downstairs and opened the door

towards 8:30 i got a call which i ran up to my room to answer, it was keith

"hello" i said

"hey, yea, i just walked in, and done know anyone here" he said chuckling

"yea, well if you walk up the stairs, i am in the 3rd room on the right" i said

"ok, on my way" he said haning up, i ran to my mirror to check myself, i was fine

there was a knock on the door, i ran over and opened it, to see keith standing there

"hey" he said as he hugged me, i hugged back

"hi" i said as we let go and walked over to my bed

"so, do you usually throw parties?" he asked

"yea, my parents go on a lot of buisness trips, and i only have one other freind, she is downstairs" i replied

"oh, mines is too" i said

we soon walked downstairs and began parting with everyone else, he was a couple of drinks, that clearly didnt faze him, but for me on the other hand, i was wildin

i was dancing with my freind, y/b/f, when we were both grabbed by our waist, it was keith and his freind, we began dancing on them, we were having a fun time

the next morning, i woke up, laying on someone's legs, i looked up to see keith, and we were the only ones there, i got up off of him and went into the kitchen and grabbed some tylenol

"hey, keith, wake up" i said shaking him

"wassup?" he asked rubbing his eyes

"take this" i said giving him 2 and i took 2 with the water, he just took it out of my hand and took his with it "i am going to start cleaning up, there is stuff everywhere" i said

"let me help" he said standing up and immediately loosing his balance and falling back onto the couch

"i think you should just sit here, you had a lot to drink" i said, and it was true, later on that night, he drank half the punch bowl

i picked up all the cups and threw then out, then the food, drinks, and then vacuumed the whole house

i walked downstairs to see keith, sitting up on his phone "hey, when are you going to leave?" i asked

"wow, ready for me to go already?" he asked

"no, just wondering" i said chuckling

"awe, so i should stay?" he asked smirking and i blushed "your cute" he said winking

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