➼ tyler marcel williams !

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there was a girl named becca, she was always messing with me, sometime i would argue back but, sometimes i just didn't feel like it

on this particular day she constantly started picking on me for the whole day, she pushed me in the hallway while walking with her boyfriend, i got really upset about it, i had no idea what was happening at the time but, so much blood was running through my veins at the time and i through my book bag down and walked up to her

"why do you constantly pick with me?" i asked getting close in her face,

"because it is fun" she smirked

"ok, so if i'm really a problem, what's up, you keep messing with me for no reason and i'm done?" i asked boldly

"what's up?" she asked laughing and dripping her bookbag and phone on the floor

"touch me, i dare you" she repeated, i raised my foot and stomped on her phone so hard, it cracked and i pushed her shoulders not that hard but a little budge, that she stumbled

she got a good hitin my face, it hurt a lot but now it was my turn fist and punch her right in the nose and she started swinging back until i grabbed her by her sweatshirt and threw her to the ground and got on top of her and started beating her up

out of nowhere i felt a hit in the back of my head, it was her boyfriend

"hey, slut get off of my girl" i were still fighting with her.

tyler's POV

i was watching a fight, i think it was
y/n and Becca, y/n is so pretty but i wasn't sure, but the girl on top was sure whooping her ass,

"get off of my girl" i heard a familiar voice say, it was jared, becca's boyfriend and the girl on top was y/n, jared had hit her, i then dropped my bag and pushed him off of y/n and started hitting him in his jaw and nose

"don't you ever touch her again" i felt arms around me, it was a teacher breaking us up, i stood up with the teachers and still grabbing a hold of my arms, i look over and see y/n still fighting but looking weaker, i get out of the teachers grasp and run over to her to go break them apart

y/n's p.o.v

while i'm hitting becca, i feel to hands on my waist, i don't know who it is but im still fighting until a teacher grabs her

"let me go" i scream to the person that has a hold of me, they pick me up and lean me over there shoulder while squirm to get free, i give up after 30 seconds

"ok, i don't know who you are but if you put me down now, i promise i will stay here"
i said

"promise?" the familiar voice asked

"maybe" i said truly


"ok fine, i promise" he set me down and i looked up looking into tyler's eyes

"oh, hey tyler" i said shyly

"what were you doing fighting that girl?" he asked

"cause all she does is talk talk talk and
pick with me so I stood up for myself"
i said getting mad all over again

"oh, dang well she deserved it" i then made eye contact with her and started to run at her but tyler caught me

"no not again" he said sitting me down

"im sorry" i said sitting down with me,

"tyler and y/n, to the principal office NOW" the guy screamed

"wait, what did tyler do" i asked cofused, he looked at me guilty

"i'm sorry y/n, but was watching the fight and i saw the guy hit you and my instant reaction was said no one to touch you, it hurt my heart to see you get hit, especially by a boy", i guess he said standing up with me, i gave him a big

"thank you tyler" i said holding him

"no problem, ma" i blushed from the nickname and let go of him

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