➼ caleel harris !

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caleel and i sat in the room chilling, he has barely said anything to me, thinking he was mad about something, i asked

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caleel and i sat in the room chilling, he has barely said anything to me, thinking he was mad about something, i asked

"are you okay?" i asked sitting up off his chest

"yea, i am fine" he said lowly, he obviously was not

"did i do something?" i asked

"no baby, of course not" he said softly "dont you need to go and get home before it is late?" he asked

"yea, you want me gone?" i asked

"no, i just dont want you out late, alone"

"oh, but can i get you something, baby you dont seem fine" i said

"maybe, i am just tired" he said putting his head down, i slid my hand across his leg

"you should go to sleep then baby, i will go home" i said standing up, i grabbed my jacket and threw it on, along with my shoes

"ok, thanks, and please dont think i just want you gone" he said

"it's fine, i understand" i said and we shared a kiss and i left to downstairs

i started my car and thought about caleel, why was he so down, he was usually always happy, but he looked so stressed, lowkey felt bad

on the way home, i turned the radio on playing, get you the moon, the song was so soft and calming

once i got home, i went to grab my stuff, realizing that i literally forgot my phone at his house, i pulled out of my drive way, just to drive the 20 minute drive back

i arrived at his house and knocked on the door, and curtis, caleel's older brother answered

"hey, back already?" he asked laughing

"yea, i forgot my phone upstairs" i said "has caleel said anything?" i asked

"no, he hasn't even been out his room, didnt even eat dinner' he said and i was confused

"oh, wow, i will go check on him" i said brushing past him

i mnocked on caleel's door, oy to her shuffling around, and maybe even a sniff

"come in" he said

"hey baby, i forgot my phone" i said walking in, he was sitting on his bed with his head down

"oh, um, here it is" he said and i walked over and grabbed it and sat next to him, he looked so upset about something

"caleel, can i ask you something?" i asked

"um, yea" he said

"and you promise that you will tell the truth?"

"yea, baby, what's wrong?" he asked

"well, that's what i wanted to ask you, you seemed do unhappy all day, and we barely talked, something is bothering and i want to know what it is" i said

"i am fine" was all he said, i scooted close to him and took his hand

"baby, your not fine, that's okay, what's wrong?" i asked

"its stupid" he said

"no, it's not, just tell me, i want you to understand that to can come to me for anything" i said

"ok, fine, um well yesterday i posted the picture on instagram, right, and i got comments talking about how, i never post you, and that i don't deserve you, and that you appreciate me a lot more you, than i do to you, and if that is true, i feel so bad" he said as two tears slipped from his eyes

"awn baby" i said pulling him into my chest "baby, you should know that, all of what they say is not true, you always show me the most attention in the world, and as long as you and i know that, it is all fine, you shouldn't care what they think" i said

"but, baby i-"

"no buts about it, you are the best boyfreind in the world, and there is nothing that you could do that would change that" i said

"thank you" he said hugging me tighter "i love you" he said

"i love you too" i said hugging him

this was foreign to me, i have never saw caleel cry before, and it honestly broke my heart, as he layed in my chest, i thought about all of it, and it hurt

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