➼ coy stewart !

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only few people had the chance of saying that they were freinds with, the coy stewart, luckily i was one of them

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only few people had the chance of saying that they were freinds with, the coy stewart, luckily i was one of them...well...sort of, i have liked him for about 2 months now, i like to think that he is mines and mines only, yet when we around girls, all they do is flirt and he always gives in, today i was planning on having a ME day, until

i was getting dressed when coy facetimed me, and i answered

"morning" he said

"good morning" i said putting my shirt on

"what are your plans for today?" he asked

"having a day for me" i said laughing

"how about you come with me today, and we have some fun?" he asked smirking

"but i wanna spend time with myself" i asked

"too bad, we ain't hung out in a minute"

"I just saw you 2 days ago" i said laughing

"come on, mamas, please" he begged

"ok, fine" i said smiling

"ayy, i'll pick you up at 8:30" he smiled

i finished getting ready and there was a knock at the door, i opened it to a smiley coy

"hey" he said hugging me

"heyy" i replied

"you ready to go?" he asked

"yes" he took my hand and we walked out to his car, he opened the door for me and i got in

"so, where are we going" i asked

"that's for me to know, and for you to find out" he said looking down at me, i laughed and he began to drive with one hand on the steering wheel,we pulled up to a diner, i opened the door

coy got, pancakes and so did i, when we finished, we walked to the bar

"can i pay coy" i asked and he ignored me and paid "oh, wow, thanks" i said

"no problem mama's" he said and we walked out

"what's the next thing?" i asked, and he pulled out 2 tickets to the (cool name) museum "omg, coy" i said as my voice softened "how did you know?" i asked

"i scrolled up on our messages, and you said that you would make me take you to a museum, one day" he said laughing

"awe, forgot about that" i said leaning over and hugging him

"why do you like museums so much" he asked

"my grandma loved them, she took me a lot before she passed, it was our thing" i said smiling

"aww, that's cute, now it can be our thing" he said, we pulled up to the museum and walked in, got our passes, then began to walk through, i stopped in my tracks looking at a necklace, it had blue and white diamonds, but it was so old, and cute

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