➼ zion sapong !

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zion's p.o.v

"hey, y/n, when did you take this?" i asked getting no response, she was sound asleep, i got up and grabbed her shorts and took her pants off and put the shorts on, i then got her blanket and layed it on her and turned off the t.v., i kissed her forehead and left

on the way home, i used the picture she took and put it as my lockscreen, she is beautiful

"hey, mom" i said walking in the house

"hey...baby" she replied crying

"ma...what happened" i asked walking over to her

"your dad...he...he got into a car crash" she replied

"is he alive?" i asked

"yes, but the dont think he will live much longer"

"how long?"

"um...maybe a couple hours" she said and i began crying and she came and hugged me, my dad was my best freind, we let go and i ran up to my room and grabbed my coat

"can we go see him?" i asked

"yes, let's go baby" she replied the word baby ring in my head, mia

"we have to pick up y/n, you know how much she loves my dad :)" i said running out the door

...we stopped by mia's house and i knocked on the door, her mom answered, i explained everything to her and went upstairs and saw
y/n  sleeping

"y/n wake up" i said lifting her up

"yea?" she asked opening her eyes

"my dad...he has been in an accident, they dont think they have much longer" i said with a tear falling down my face, she wiped it and hugged me

"i'm so sorry" she said letting go

"thanks, i love you" i said kissing her

"i love you" she replied standing up and looking down confused "how the hell-"

"sorry, no time to talk, i took off your pants and put on shorts" i replied

...we had just arrived to the hospital and i woke mia back up, after falling asleep on my shoulder

"c'mon" i said waking her up, we walked in the hospital room and asked for the room and went upstairs, my mom went in first, y/n and i sat in the waiting room

"i love you" y/n said grabbing my hand, i just kept looking down and began crying, she hugged me, i bring her closer to me and hugged her tighter

"i dont want to see him go" i said through tears

"i know baby, but he is going to a better place, god was ready for his angel" she said kissing my forehead

...after 10 min, my mom called us in

"i...i don't know if i can do this" i said shaking

"you got this baby, you want me to come?" she asked

"yes, please?" i asked

"of course" she replied, we walked in hand in hand and i saw my dad hooked up to a whole lot of cords, it broke my heart, i turned to y/n for comfort, she was crying, which made me cry again, i grabbed his hand

"dad...i love you so, so, so much, as much as i dont want to see you leave, it's gonna happen, and it's really gonna suck" i say and breakdown "thank you so much for everything"

"i love you mr. sapong" y/n said wiping her tears, and that's when we heard it, the long beep

"my dad died in my arms...MY DAD DIED IN MY ARMS" i screamed, this cant be happening, y/n grabbed me and hugged me, i pushed her off and ran out the hospital to who knew where

y/n p.o.v

i ran after zion, i called his name no answer, i did t know where he went, i decided to call him, even if he didnt answer, his phone would ring, i called and heard it ring from the left, i ran and saw him sitting on the ledge off a wall, i slowly walked to him and sat down next to him

"as much as i know you probably want to be alone right now, i know you need someone" i said and he immediately hugged me, i hugged back, we sat like that for 10 minutes until zion's mom came out

"hey, we should be getting home" she said as we stood up and she hugged the both of us "i want you two to know, that i love you both so much" she said kissing our foreheads

"we love you" we said in unison, we walked to the car and zion got a text message, and i saw his lockscreen it was a picture of me, i smiled to myself, we drove home and it was quiet the whole time, up into the time that they dropped me off

"bye" i said waving and walking in the house

"hey, mia" my mom said and i broke down again

"he's gone" i said hugging her

"i know baby, he was the only male figure you had, i'm so sorry baby" she said

"um...is it ok if i go down to the creek, i need some fresh air?" i asked

"yes, baby" she replied, i went off to the creek, i always came here with zion, it calms, us, well at least me, once i arrived, i sat on bridge looking down, he meant a lot to me, and there was a kiss on my cheek, i turned to see zion

"hey, how'd you know, i'd be here?" i asked

"i dont know, i guess it's our spot" he replied, i looked up at him and seen his puffed eyes as he sat next to me "did you know, that my dad was the only person to know that we dated?" he asked

"yea, i told him when my mom was at work" i replied

"awe, man, this is crazy" he said looking up

"i know right" i said staring at him with glossy eyes

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