➼ zion kuwonu !

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zion and i have not talked for three days, he has tried to talk to me, but i do not want to

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zion and i have not talked for three days, he has tried to talk to me, but i do not want to

zion and i have been living together for 6 months with my best freind and her boyfreind, so that the reason for him not leaving

basically zion tried to say that i was more interested in myself than him, and that it was an one sided relationship

during the whole fight he told me how much i dont care about him, which is very incorrect, i love him more than life itself

but recently i have been feeling off about something and want to be self-isoolated, but i dont know what is really wrong

"y/n" y/b/f called out

"yea what's up" i asked running downstairs

"come here" she said pulling me into the bathroom "you need to talk to zion, the boy is falling apart" she said sighing

"i know, i hate it, but he shouldnt have talked to me in that manner" i said

"we need to put this all to the side and forget it happened" he said

"i dont want to keep doing that, that's all zion and i ever do" i said and zion walked in

"what's going on now?" he asked

"nothing, i was just leaving" i said walking out, only to be pulled back in

"no, i was leaving, and you two are going to talk" she said as she pushed me in and left

...we tried to talk through it, but nothing was working

"zion, why cant we just get this together? why does is all have to be so complicated" i asked

"because there is just so many emotions going through my head" he replied

"i know, and i'm trying to spare your feelings, but your making this so difficult" i said

"you know what...maybe this relationship is too difficult" he said

"maybe it is" i said shrugging my shoulders

"so, i guess that's it?" he asked

"i guess it is" i said with no expression and he walked out and y/b/f ran in

"i think we just-" i tried to get out but the tears just fell, and she hugged me

did we really just break up, over some pretty argument, that i could have talked to him about, i am so stupid

i let go over and ran to my room, only to see zion packing his clothes

"what are you doing?" i asked

"dont talk to me, i dont like you right now" he said shoving stuff in his bookbag

"look, i am sorry, i should have just-"

"y/n, i dont want to hear it, i am done" he said

"done with what?" i asked

"you, us, all we do is fight all the time, neither of us seem happy" he said and a tear slipped down my face

"look, i am sorry, and i know you're hurt, but dont leave me" i said grabbing his bag

"dont make it seem like that, like i am just leaving you for no reason, we need time apart" he said

"babe, we can fix this" i said

"no, no we cant, this hurts me just as much as it hurts me, but i cant keep doing this, everything seem so perfect at the start, and dont get me wrong, you are an amazing girl, in every way, but it hurts when i am fighting with person i love most" he said taking the bag back

he put on his shoes to leave, but he turned around and came towards me

"i love you" he said as he hugged me and kissed me on my cheek "but there is no us, anymore" he said

"i love you..." i said looking down as he walked away, he gave me one last look and left, and the tears came streaming down my face

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