➼ jahi winston !

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"you cheated on me!" i yelled at my boyfreind as he stood there dumbfounded

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"you cheated on me!" i yelled at my boyfreind as he stood there dumbfounded

"she kissed me" he scoffed

my bestfriend jahi and i had caught him kissing a girl, in his house

"liar, why would you do something like this to me?" i asked

"i didnt kiss her" he said getting mad, and walking towards me, that cause jahi to move closer up

"chill dude" jahi said as my boyfreind balled up hist fists

"shut up" he said balling up his fists

"and if i dont?" jahi asked stepping closer, i have seen both of them mad, but never this mad, the were both at eye contact level and but way taller then me

"stop!" i yelled getting in between them, i wiped my tears and looked up at my boyfreind "you dont have lie" i said still crying

"why do you even care?" he asked

"maybe because i am your girlfreind" i yelled

"well too bad, i dont want a girl who acts like this" he screamed

"how would you feel if i just kissed someone in front of you?" i asked crying

"oh please, you wouldn't dare" he said rolling his eyes and laughing, at that moment, i grabbed jahi by his arm and pulled him towards me, stood on my tippy toes and kissed him,  after 5 to 10 seconds, i let go

"now, how does that feel?" i asked looking up to him

"you know what?" he asked "i have been waiting to kiss her, she is cute and actually has a nice body" he looking down at me, at this point i just felt so little

"yo, that's no way to talk to a girl" jahi said bugging up on him, my boyfreind pushed him

"why would i talk to someone so worthless nicely?" he asked and at that point jahi had it, he walked closer and struck my boyfreind in the face causing him to fall to the ground

"that felt good" jahi said causing me to chuckle a little

"fuck you" i yelled and a girl came out of the house

"bAbY?" she said leaning down, and i got heated, i kicked her in her head which cause jahi to grab me and picking me up

"put me down" i yelled kicking, i wanted to beat her ass so bad

"no, come on" jahi said as he carried me to the car, he opened the door, sat me down, closed the door and walked around to the other seat, i saw that as my chance

"bitch" i screamed running out of the car to the porch, only to be stopped by to hands on my waist, i kicked and screamed, then gave up

"worthless bitch" he yelled

...once we got to the car, the tears came streaming down again, jahi hugged me

"i hate him so much, bro" i said hugging him tighter

"i know and he is not even worth it" he said and let go then began driving

we got to jahi's house and went upstairs to chill in his room, i changed my pants into shorts and sat on his bed

"jah...am i really worthless?" i asked looking at him

"y/n, what are you even talking about, you are not worthless" he replied

"i know i'm not- well, at least i like to think that i am not, but i just want someone to tell me" i said

"y/n, your literally one of the most beautiful girls, i have ever seen, your smile, your face, your hands, your eyes...your body, everything about you is so amazing, and i want you to see that, you are an awesome girl, y/n, y/ex/n was an absolute fool for even thinking about cheating on you" he said and i got up and hugged him

"thank you" i said

"your welcome, i'll always be there for you" he said kissing my forehead


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