➼ caleel harris

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i am sorry this is short skskk

"ahhhhhh" i screamed walking in to the venue about to meet my idol, i had been waiting 4 months for this moment, i was so happy...i was now standing in line for 1 hour now, i was close to the back of the line, 7 people had now gone before me and it was my turn, i so nervous,

"hey, beautiful" Caleel said to me, i didn't think much of it cause im pretty sure he says that to all the girls,

"hi" i said being very shy,

"can we do this pose" i said holding my phone up

"yea, ofc", I stood up on my tippy toes to reach his cheek because he was so tall and kissed him as the camera flashed, he then turned his head and kiss me on my lips, I have no idea how but literally no one saw a gasped or even question it, it was quick, but i almost died,

"here" he said giving me a slip of paper, i began to open it when he closed it back up,

"read it later" he whispered in my ear...he then hugged me hard,


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