➼ caleel harris !

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"i have to use the bathroom really quick" you told to your boyfreind of 11 months, caleel

what he didnt know was that i was actually going into on of our roommates room, ethan, as i walked in i seen ethan and asante sitting on his bed ready with the silly string

"you ready?" asante asked shaking the can

"yea, hand me one" i said and as he did, i looked down at my watch to see the clock, 10 seconds before hitting 12:00

as i watched the 9 turn into a 0, the three of us barged back into the room, and got to spraying

"HAPPY BURTHDAY BABY" i yelled spraying it all in his hair and face

"what the-" he managed to get out but only to be sprayed more by asante playing too much

"happy birthday, bro" ethan said smiling

"happy birthday" asante exclaimed happily

our can finally ran out, and caleel pulled some off of his face and hair

"tHaNkS?" he said raising an eyebrow

"you welcome, b" asante said

"and by the way this was all y/n's idea" ethan said throwing me under the bus

"well, in that case, i think you deserve a hug" he said walking towards me, i turned around to run out the door, only to be pushed back in by four arms, into caleel

"ewww" i squealed, looking at the mess he just created on my clothes

i turned around to get ethan and asnte as i realized, i had a little bit of silly string in my can, i sprayed them all over and they ran out the room

"this is going to be hard to clean up" i said laughing

"yea, that's why you are doing it" he said smirking

"oh no, not alone" i said

"we will see, i guess" and i remembered that i got him a gift

"ohhh, sit down" i said and he did, i walked over to our shared closet and grabbed the small blue box and handed it to him

"y/n, i told you not to get me anything" he said sighing

"i know, but i wanted to" i said smiling, he opened the box to find a necklace that he hasn't wanted for the last few months, that we could find anywhere

"oh my gosh, y/n" he said grabbing me by my arm and pulling me into a hug "where did you even find this?" he asked smiling

"it dosent matter, just know that it is yours now" i said planting a kiss on his cheek "happy birthday, baby"

"thank you" he said letting go and putting the necklace around his neck

"no problem" i said hugging him one last time

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