➼ curtis harris !

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i was sleep, but i woke up to the noise of shattered glass, i got up quietly

"curtis" i said tapping him

"wha-" i cut him off by covering his mouth

"i think there's someone downstairs, isome heard some glass break" i replied, he got up and i followed

"stay here" he said

"no" he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed my bat in one hand, my hand in the other

"HEY" he yelled out, and the noises stopped and we heard footsteps coming towards the stairs, they walked up the stairs, curtis pulled me towards my closet and we sat down, and waited

"stay here" he whispered

"you too" i said

"I HAVE A GUN" curtis yelled and we heard footsteps run down the stairs and the door be slammed, curtis stood up and helped me up and we slowly walked downstairs and turned the light on, the window was shattered and it looked like some stuff had been broken

i let go of curtis and ran over to my box that i kept in a case, my ring was gone, it was grandma's, i found it in her house the day she died, i started crying

"what's wrong?" curtis asked hugging me, i didnt say anything but he looked in my hands "oh my gosh, your grandmas ring" he said and i let go of him and ran upstairs to my room and layed in my bed and cried, i felt the bed dip down, jahi hugged me, i turned around and hugged him

"that was last...thing i had of her" i said wiping my eyes

"i am so sorry" he said

"i wanna go to sleep" i said with my head in his chest

"let's get the glass up first" he said

...we finished getting the glass up and somehow we were now eating ice cream sundaes

"i feel a lot better" i said "but i wish this never happened"

"i know, i wonder who the person was" jahi replied

"me too" i said scooping some of his ice cream, and eating it

"what is that for?" he asked

"i wanted to taste it" i replied smiling

"we have the exact same things" he said laughing and i took another scoop

"yours taste better" i said and went over to him and sat on his lap, then ate his ice cream

"i swear ever since we have known eachother, you have always ate my food, i remember in the first day i met you in school you started eating my sandwhich" he said laughing

"yes, that was a good sandwhich" i replied taking another bite of his ice cream

"gimme a bite" he said and i did "so, what about your ice cream?" he asked

"you can have it" i said, and he grabbed my waist to prevent me from falling and grabbed my bowl and started eating it

"this taste just like mines" he said with no expression

"no, it dosent, yours is better" i said taking the last bite and taking the bowl to the sink to watch it, i felt eyes on me "stop looking at me" i said

"i'm not looking at you" he lied

"liar" i replied

"fine, you caught me" he said standing up, he helped me wash the dishes and we headed upstairs

"i'm not even tired anymore" i said sitting on the bed, looking down

i kept on thinking about the ring

"i know you are thinking about the ring but look" he said using his finger to bring my chin up "you are safe, and i am safe, that's all that matters"

"i guess so" i said "thank you for being here with me" i said hugging him

"anytime" curtis said kissing my forehead

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