Chapter 4: Ghost

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I walked around the almost empty room. Tomorrow was the day. My whole body shivered but not because of nervousness. No, definitely not! I was shivering because of excitement. Tomorrow was the day I've always dreamt of.

Suddenly, I heard some strange noises. Curiously, I turned around, searching for the source of noise. It took me a few seconds until I realized it was a scratch from the other side of the door. Immediately, I grabbed the little fire extinguisher of my hotel room, preparing to attack the intruder that was trying to enter my room.

Then, I quickly opened the door.

"Trust me, I won't hesitate to make use of... Robert?!"

He kneed in front of my door. His puppy eyes looking up to me.

"Hey", he greeted smirkingly, his eyes crinkling.

Immediately, I hid behind the door.

"You're not allowed to see me until tomorrow", I said in surprise and blushed, "That's bad luck, Robbie!"

"How am I supposed to stay away from you for at least one night? Especially, when you call me like that...", he retorted jokingly and I couldn't hide a smile.

"It's your fault if something bad's going to happen tomorrow", I warned him and bit my bottom lip.

"I'll take the risk", he replied seriously.

I swallowed hard before I finally opened the door to let him in.

Immediately, he placed his soft lips on mine, pulling my head towards his firmly. We stumbled backwards until he pushed me against the wall, his body pressed against mine as he gently kissed my neck.

"You scared me to death, did you know?", I asked quietly and closed my eyes, enjoying every kiss and every touch of him.

"That was not my intention", he replied in the desperate need for some oxygen.

I playfully punched his shoulder before he kissed me again.

"Mmh, I just can't stay away from you", he mumbled then, "You're my drug and I'm completely addicted to you."

"But you have to", I countered and carefully pushed him away from me, "At least for tonight. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding..."

"C'mon, Kate!", he begged, staring at me with his puppy eyes, "Let me stay with you!"

I hesitated for a second.

"Okay", I finally agreed with him, slandering through the room, reaching out for his hand, "Stay with me, Robbie."

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, following me to the bed where we laid down together. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer towards him so I could feel his steady heartbeat.

"Don't leave me tonight, okay?", I asked quietly, closing my eyes.

"Okay", he whispered and gently kissed my cheek, "I promise. I will never leave you, future Mrs. Downey!"

"Robert!", Tom shouted after him as we followed him outside. But he didn't stop, he kept walking away from us, a bunch of paparazzi already following him with their cameras, trying to get the best pictures of him.

He held his head. Another flashback.

"You have to fight, Robbie", I whispered quietly, keeping back the tears in my eyes, "Don't let them control you..."

"Mr. Downey!"


Everyone shouted his name. But he tried his best not to look at them, keeping his head down, just focussing on getting away from this awful place as fast as possible.

I quickened my pace until I finally reached him.

"We're are you going, Robert?", I wanted to know, "Don't do what I'm afraid you're going to do..."

He'd go to the liquor store. He'd buy another bottle of alcohol, trying to drown his sorrow.

Then he finally reached the next store and wiped away the last tears in his eyes as he entered.

"Don't do that, Rob", I whispered now and gently stroked his back, "Alcohol is no solution. Remember? We already had this..."

He grabbed the bottle of scotch and regarded it closely, maybe hesitating for a few seconds.

"Robert John Downey Junior!", I shouted at him, desperately wanting him to hear me.

But he didn't. As usual.

Immediately, I grabbed the shelf with all of those bottles and threw it to the ground.

The sound of breaking glasses made me pause.

"Hey!", the owner yelled and angrily walked over to us, "Who do you think you are?!"

But Robert didn't answer. He simply stared at the place I was standing.

This has never happened before. How could I flip that shelf without being real? How could this be? I was dead, not supposed to be able to have any physical influence on the other side anymore.

"Ah, Mr. Downey", the owner suddenly realized smirkingly, "I don't care if you're famous or whatever. You're gonna pay for that!"

Robert still stared at my place, silently reaching out in his pocket, grabbing a bunch of money I actually couldn't count.

"This should be enough", he mumbled before he finally left with the bottle of scotch in his hands.

"Put that away", Tom said as we exited the liquor store, "You don't need that, Rob!"

But he simply stared at Tom, still confused because of what has just happened.

"I'm going crazy", he mumbled apathetically, looking up to the sky, "I'm going insane..."

He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Come with me, Rob", Tom whispered softly and carefully took the bottle away from him, "We'll get you some help, man..."

Robert nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry, Robbie", I apologized quietly and reached out for his hand, "I didn't intend to get you in trouble or drive you insane..."

I swallowed hard, still not understanding what has actually happened in there.

That was all new to me.

And it scared me.

How To Save A Life [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic]Where stories live. Discover now